
%% This function computes atmost N zeros (z) of a given eigen function between xmin and xmax
Updated 24 Jun 2024

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%% This function computes atmost N zeros (z) between xmin and xmax
% fun is the handle to the function whose zeros we want to compute
% xmin is the start of the search region
% xmax is the end of the search region
% N is the maximum number of the zeros we sort
% Example 1: z = Nzeros(@(x)besselj(0,x), 0, 20, 7)
% Example 2: z = Nzeros(@(x)sin(x*pi), 0, 20, 7)
% Example 3: z = Nzeros(@(x)cos(x*pi), 0, 20, 7)
% Example 4: z = Nzeros(@(x)besselj(0,x) - 2*besselj(1,x), 0, 20, 7)
% Example 5: z = Nzeros(@(x)3*sin(2*x) - 2*cos(3*x), 0, 20, 7)

Cite As

Lateef Adewale Kareem (2025). EigenZeros (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/64844-eigenzeros), MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved .

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Version Published Release Notes

Better title

The overall method was changed and improved for better performance.

added more tags

modified computation of the values for plot. using arrayfun

improve search for some complex functions.

Added examples to the description.