
GUI wrapper for export_fig - add toolbar items to any/all figures
Updated 5 Oct 2015

Wrapper for export_fig - to add toolbar icons to all figure windows.
efigure - figure with export-fig toolbar icons built in

Add toolbar icons which for saving images
to clipboard (PC only) or to file using export_fig.

Can be used in 2 ways:
1. Automatically add the toolbar items for EVERY future figure.
2. Call it manually every time you want to add the toolbar items to:
A figure
Your own/choice of toolbar

1. To set up for ALL future figures being created
Put this in startup.m. Then every figure contains the toolbar items.
efigure ( '*setup*' );

When used automatically a few methods to manage usage:

Disable this feature (valid for each matlab session)
efigure ( '*disable*' );

Re-enable it by:
efigure ( '*enable*' );

Reset the default export_fig options in the filechooser dialog:
efigure ( '*reset*' );

Diable capability to add toolbar to all future figures
efigure ( '*resetAll*' );

When creating a new figure -> it will automatically rearrange the
toolbar items to insert the clipboard(pc only) and file save next
to the traditional save icon. You can manage this using:

To stop rearrangement (valid for each matlab session):
efigure ( '*norearrange* );

To reengage the rearrangement:
efigure ( '*rearrange* );

2. Using it manually
Use in EXACTLY the same was as you would figure:
This will insert it next to the save button in a standard toolbar
hFig = efigure;
hFig = efigure (gcf);
hFig = efigure (hFig);
hFig = efigure ( 'Name', 'My Figure', arg, val .... );

Add it to a specific toolbar
hFig = figure ( 'Toolbar', 'none' )
hToolbar = uitoolbar ( 'parent', hFig );

Any bug reports/feature requests please report via github

Note: This makes use of a lot of undocumented features - please
use with the appropriate caution and knowledge that it may
work differently on different platforms/java etc...

Developed on windows - but should work on other platforms.
Developed in R2015b - but should work in older versions (inc pre 2014b)

Author : Robert Cumming
Copyright: Matpi Ltd
Developers of Matlab GUI Toolbox
- free demo from www.matpi.com or
- https://github.com/robertjcumming/matpigui/releases/download/v1/DEMO-1.0.0.EH.zip
- email: contact @ matpi.com

Cite As

Robert Cumming (2025). efigure (https://github.com/robertjcumming/efigure), GitHub. Retrieved .

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R2015b
Compatible with any release
Platform Compatibility
Windows macOS Linux
Find more on Interactive Control and Callbacks in Help Center and MATLAB Answers

Inspired by: export_fig

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