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The Geometry and Image-Based Bioengineering add-On for MATLAB
GIBBON (The Geometry and Image-Based Bioengineering add-ON) is an open-source MATLAB toolbox by Kevin M. Moerman and includes an array of image and geometry visualization and processing tools and is interfaced with free open source software such as TetGen, for robust tetrahedral meshing, and FEBio for finite element analysis. The combination provides a highly flexible image-based modelling environment and enables advanced inverse finite element analysis.
IMPORTANT cite as:
K. M. Moerman, “GIBBON: The Geometry and Image-Based Bioengineering add-On,” J. Open Source Softw., vol. 3, no. 22, p. 506, Feb. 2018, doi: 10.21105/joss.00506
Example sentence to cite this work:
"... the mesh was created using the open source toolbox GIBBON (v3.5.0, Moerman et al. 2018,"
Cite As
Moerman, Kevin M. “GIBBON: The Geometry and Image-Based Bioengineering Add-On.” The Journal of Open Source Software, vol. 3, no. 22, The Open Journal, Feb. 2018, p. 506, doi:10.21105/joss.00506.
Select Citation Style
Moerman, Kevin M. “GIBBON: The Geometry and Image-Based Bioengineering Add-On.” The Journal of Open Source Software, vol. 3, no. 22, The Open Journal, Feb. 2018, p. 506, doi:10.21105/joss.00506.
Moerman, K. M. (2018). GIBBON: The Geometry and Image-Based Bioengineering add-On. The Journal of Open Source Software, 3(22), 506. The Open Journal. Retrieved from
BibTeX |
doi = {10.21105/joss.00506},
url = {},
year = 2018,
month = {feb},
publisher = {The Open Journal},
volume = {3},
number = {22},
pages = {506},
author = {Kevin M Moerman},
title = {{GIBBON}: The Geometry and Image-Based Bioengineering add-On},
journal = {The Journal of Open Source Software}
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Create scripts with code, output, and formatted text in a single executable document.
- DEMO_febio_0058_face_tube_loading.m
- DEMO_febio_0088_dogbone_sample_01.m
- DEMO_febio_0089_iFEA_goh_skin_01.m
- HELP_checkerBoard3D.m
- HELP_faces2elementSideSets.m
- HELP_febioOutputView.m
- HELP_gnanmax.m
- HELP_gnanmean.m
- HELP_gnanmin.m
- HELP_gnansum.m
- HELP_import_ctgr.m
- HELP_import_obj_geom.m
- HELP_localRefineMap.m
- HELP_octa2tet.m
- HELP_patch2lattice.m
- HELP_patchAnnotate.m
- HELP_patchBoundaryLabelEdges.m
- HELP_patchCurvaturePolynomial.m
- HELP_patchEdgeCrossProduct.m
- HELP_patchSmoothFaceMeasure.m
- HELP_patch_area.m
- HELP_randUnitVec.m
- HELP_read_gmsh.m
- HELP_runGmsh.m
- HELP_spacing2numVertices.m
- HELP_spectral.m
- HELP_sphereIm.m
- HELP_sphere_index.m
- HELP_spheregrid.m
- HELP_subPenta.m
- HELP_tetVolMeanEst.m
- HELP_triPatchSmoothRayTraced.m
- HELP_triSurfSplitBoundary.m
- HELP_turbo.m
- HELP_vecPair2Rot.m
- HELP_voxelDistMarch.m
- WIP_DEMO_febio_00XX_fsi_bifurcation.m
- WIP_DEMO_febio_00XX_fsi_straight_tube.m
- WIP_DEMO_gmsh_febio.m
- WIP_DEMO_gmsh_meshing.m
- WIP_anim8_lego_figure.m
- WIP_aorta_hex_mesh_01.m
- WIP_febio_0053_hip_implant_lattice_02.m
- WIP_full_hex_pillow_raytrace_01.m
- WIP_golden_ratio_spherical_seeds.m
- WIP_mesh_extrude_cell_image_01.m
- WIP_mesh_extrude_rounded_voronoi_square_01.m
- DCM2euler
- FFT_derivative
- MRcart2im
- MRcart2imNeg
- MRimageUnitScale
- R_squared
- SVD_filter
- TriScatteredInterp_ND
- TriScatteredInterp_nat_near
- abaqusStruct2inp
- addAttributeSetXML
- addAttributeXML
- addElementSetXML
- addElementValueXML
- addElementXML
- addHelpSearch
- adjacentdircount
- affineTransformationMatrixDirect
- agd
- amfStruct2xml
- anim8
- axisGeom
- axisLim
- axis_inc
- batman
- bezierCurve
- bias_nodes1d
- biharmonicSplineInterpolation
- blood
- bloodbone
- box_indices
- boxconstrain
- cFigure
- cap_patchcylinder
- cart2im
- cell2txtfile
- cellEig
- cellPair2struct
- cellTrace
- changeFileExtensions
- che
- checkerBoard3D
- circlefit
- cividis
- ckmkdir
- cleanDir
- cleanUpTetGen
- cmaperise
- coarsepatch
- coneTriMesh
- constrainedDelaunayTetGen
- contour2levelset
- contour2logic
- contourRegularise
- cow
- createHelpDemoDocumentation
- crossProdMat
- cs3dPath
- csapsPar
- cunique
- curvePathOrderFix
- curveToEdgeList
- dcmFolder2MATobject
- dcmFolderAnon
- defMetrics
- delaunayZip
- dev
- diamondLattice
- dicom3Dpar
- dihedralAngles
- discQuadMesh
- disp2strain
- dispDoneGibbonCode
- dispStartTitleGibbonCode
- distND
- doubleContraction
- dualClad
- dualLattice
- dyadicProduct
- edgeLengths
- edgeListToCurve
- edgeNormal
- edgeVec
- efw
- element2HexLattice
- element2faces
- element2lattice
- element2patch
- elephant
- ellipseCoord
- ellipseCoord3
- ellipseFit
- ellipseFit3
- ellipsoidFit_centered
- errorbarC_XY
- euler2DCM
- eulerChar
- evenlySampleCurve
- evenlySpaceCurve
- exportGif
- exportGifAnim8
- export_INP
- export_STL_txt
- export_mesh
- export_off
- faceToVertexMeasure
- faces2elementSideSets
- febView
- febio
- febioDoc
- febioOutputView
- febioStruct2xml
- febioStructTemplate
- febioStructTemplate_v2p5
- febioStructTemplate_v3p0
- femur
- fftnconv
- filletCurve
- fire
- fireice
- fixNormalsOutward
- flare
- fmin_fvalfind_ppform
- fmin_symbolic_form
- foamWrap
- fourthOrderCell
- fourthOrderMat
- freeBoundaryPatch
- freeMemory
- gaborCoil
- gaborFilter
- gabor_kernel
- gauss_kernel
- gaussianpdf
- gcombvec
- gcontains
- gcontour
- gd
- gdoc
- gdrawnow
- gedge
- geoSphere
- getColumns
- getFEBioPath
- getFebioSpecVersion
- getInnerPoint
- getInnerVoxel
- getSubPaths
- getTestFiles
- getUndocumented
- getViewProfile
- getVoronoiStats
- getimdat
- ggremesh
- gjet
- gnanmax
- gnanmean
- gnanmin
- gnansum
- gpatch
- gpublish
- gramSchmidtOrtho
- graphicsModels
- gray2RGBColorMap
- grayColor
- grayJetc
- graygjet
- grayjet
- grid2patch
- griddata_delaunay
- groupVertices
- gtitle
- gviridis
- gxmlwrite
- hemiSphereCylMesh
- hemiSphereMesh
- hemiSphereRegionMesh
- hessianScalar
- hex2patch
- hex2rdl
- hex2tet
- hex8_hex20
- hexMeshBox
- hexMeshCubeSphere
- hexMeshCylinder
- hexMeshHemiSphere
- hexMeshSphere
- hexVol
- hexahedral_hexagon_beam
- hip_implant
- honeyCombMesh
- ice
- icolorbar
- igviridis
- im2MRcart
- im2MRcartNeg
- im2cart
- im2patch
- imageResample
- image_numeric
- imlabelMean
- importAbaqusDat
- importAnyBodyOutput
- importEleFile_tetGen
- importFEBio_logfile
- importFaceFile_tetGen
- importNodeFile_tetGen
- importTETGEN
- import_FEB
- import_INP
- import_STL
- import_STL_bin
- import_STL_txt
- import_ctgr
- import_obj.m
- import_obj_geom
- import_off
- imrician
- imsphere_IND_INT
- imx
- inc2cumDisp
- ind2logic
- ind2patch
- ind2subn
- inddiag
- inddisp2cumdisp
- inferno
- inputdlgStruct
- insphere
- interp1_ND
- interpDirVec
- interp_polar
- interp_spherical
- intesselation
- intriangle
- inv_parbound
- isConvexPolyhedron
- isGlobalSurfDirOutward
- isInsideTR
- isPolyClockwise
- isapprox
- isclose
- iseven
- ishappy
- isrounded
- isrowmember
- ivoigtMap
- iwarmcold
- joinElementSets
- kabschRotationMatrix
- kelvinMap
- kelvinUnMap
- kronDelta
- kvw
- kwJet
- lameInvertHookeOrthotropic
- laplacian_smoothing
- levelset2isosurface
- lineVec
- linspacen
- localRefineMap
- loftLinQuad2hex
- logic2isosurface
- logic2levelset
- logic2subind
- logicErodeDilate
- logicRemoveInterior
- logit
- loremIpsum
- mJet
- magma
- makeSymbolicStiffnessTensor
- mask_design
- maskfind
- maskimage
- mat2strIntDouble
- matplotlibColormap
- maxDist
- maxFig
- maxnumel
- mcol
- meanValueCoordinates
- meanfilt3
- mergeImageData
- mergeImageSet
- mergeVertices
- mesh2tri
- meshBoundary
- meshCleave
- meshDistMarch
- meshView
- mfv
- minDist
- minFig
- minPolyTwist
- mrow
- multiRegionTriMesh2D
- multiRegionTriMeshUneven2D
- ndet
- nonlinspace
- nowStr
- numConnect
- numOrder
- numReplace
- oblique_mask
- octa2tet
- ongrid
- orange
- overobj2
- padLinDim
- padeven
- padrep
- parHipImplant
- parLimNat
- parasaurolophus
- parbound
- patch2EdgeIm
- patch2Im
- patch2STL
- patch2edgeIND
- patch2lattice
- patch2obj
- patch2tri
- patchAnnotate
- patchArea
- patchBoundary
- patchBoundaryLabelEdges
- patchCentre
- patchCleanUnused
- patchClosedCylinder
- patchConnectivity
- patchCount
- patchCurvature
- patchCurvaturePolynomial
- patchCylSurfClose
- patchDetach
- patchEdgeAngles
- patchEdgeCollapse
- patchEdgeCrossProduct
- patchEdgeLengths
- patchEdges
- patchExtend
- patchExtrude
- patchFaceAngles
- patchFeatureDetect
- patchIND
- patchMarchDistMapIterative
- patchNanFix
- patchNormPlot
- patchNormal
- patchNormalFix
- patchPathAngles
- patchPointDist
- patchRemoveCollapsed
- patchSmooth
- patchSmoothFaceMeasure
- patchThick
- patchTorus
- patchVectorTangent
- patchVolume
- patch_area
- patch_dual
- patchcylinder
- pathLength
- pathSepFix
- pdfView
- pentaVol
- pillowHex
- plane_fit
- plane_intersect
- plasma
- platonic_solid
- plotContours
- plotV
- point2TriSurfDist
- pointAnnotate
- pointCloudPrinDir
- pointLocationTR
- pointLocationTR_parfor
- pointSetDistMap
- pointSetPrincipalDir
- polar_loop_space
- polyCircularity
- polyContourThick
- polyCurveLength
- polyExtrude
- polyLineIntersect
- polyLoftLinear
- polyNormal
- polyOrderDelaunay
- polyResample
- polyRevolve
- polySet2Im
- polyTube
- polyarea_signed
- polycentroid
- polythick
- ppInv
- pp_x_at_y
- ppval_extrapVal
- prin2effective
- pround
- publishHelpDocAll
- qginput
- quad2tri
- quad4_quad8
- quadBox
- quadPlate
- quadSphere
- quadSurfRemoveTwoConnect
- quadThick
- quad_smooth
- quadrep
- quiver3Dpatch
- quiverCurve
- quiverLine
- quiverTriad
- quiverVec
- randInCircle
- randUnitVec
- rand_angle
- rayleighpdf
- reactionDiffusionMesh
- read_gmsh.m
- regionTriMesh2D
- regionTriMesh3D
- regionTriMeshRand2D
- remeshTriSurfDistMap
- removeNotIndexed
- resampleColormap
- rgbImage2ColorMap
- rhombicDodecahedron
- rhombicDodecahedronHex
- rhombicDodecahedronMesh
- rician_LMMSE_filter
- ricianpdf
- rigidTransformVertices
- rigidTransformationMatrixDirect
- rigidbody_transform
- rms
- rot2VecAngle
- rotate_vertices
- roundedSigmoid
- rozenbrock
- runGmsh.m
- runMonitorFEBio
- runTetGen
- sampleCurveEvenly
- sawtoothWave
- scalePatch
- scancell
- scatterV
- scatter_stats
- scf
- scramble
- seedIndex2triangulation
- selectBox
- setFEBioPath
- setViewProfile
- set_output_request_FEBIO
- shear_bulk2poisson
- shear_poisson2bulk
- shiftV
- sigmoid_pchip
- simplexImIntersect
- sliceIntersectPatch
- smoothHeaviside
- smoothSquareWave
- smoothTaubin
- snap2grid
- snapSubInd
- spacing2numVertices
- sparseMin
- sparseSphericalMask
- specialPointerShape
- spectral
- sph
- sphereIm
- sphereOctant
- sphere_index
- spheregrid
- spinodoid
- splitCurveSetMesh
- splitVertices
- spmax
- spmin
- squircle
- sround
- stanford_bunny
- stochasticMicrostructure
- struct2txt
- structComplete
- strwrap
- sub2indn
- subCurve
- subEdge
- subHex
- subImage
- subPenta
- subQuad
- subQuadCatmullClark
- subTet
- subTriCentre
- subTriDual
- subTriLocal
- subTriLoop
- subTriSplit
- subdevTexture
- subtri
- surf_slice
- surfacePairIntersect
- surface_intersect
- sv2
- sv3
- sweepCurveBezier
- sweepCurveSmooth
- sweepLoft
- tensor2voigtMap
- tensorArray2tensorCell
- tesBoundary
- tesIND
- tesSmooth
- tesSmoothPosNeg
- tesSmooth_HC
- tesSmooth_LAP
- tesgrid
- tesgroup
- testGibbon
- tet2hex
- tet4_tet10
- tetMeshBox
- tetVol
- tetVolMeanEst
- textImage
- textView
- textureCoord2FaceColor
- tform
- thetaphi2DCM
- thetaphi2vec
- tri2quad
- tri2quadGroupSplit
- tri2rhombi
- tri3_tri6
- tri6_subtri3
- triBox
- triEdgeSplit
- triIncenter
- triLinearTet_F
- triLinearTri_F
- triLinearTri_F2D
- triMeshEquilateral
- triPatchSmoothRayTraced
- triPolyDualRefine
- triRemeshLabel
- triSurf2Im
- triSurf2ImSpec
- triSurfCentroid
- triSurfCloseHoles
- triSurfLogicSharpFix
- triSurfPermuteColor
- triSurfRayTrace
- triSurfRemoveThreeConnect
- triSurfSelfTriangulateBoundary
- triSurfSetDist
- triSurfSlice
- triSurfSmoothFourier
- triSurfSplitBoundary
- triSurfVolume
- triThick
- tri_area
- triangleRayIntersection
- triangleWave
- triangle_wave
- trigradient
- trinorm
- triplet_find
- triplyPeriodicMinimal
- triplyPeriodicMinimalSurface
- trisurf_intersect
- trisurfsmooth
- trisurfsmoothHC
- truncatePolyhedra
- truncatedOctahedron
- truncatedOctahedronMesh
- turbo
- txt2struct
- txtfile2cell
- uiThreshErode
- ukr
- uniqueIntegerRow
- unique_map
- unique_patch
- unpadeven
- unsharp
- unzipAll
- utah_teapot
- var2cellstr
- vcw
- vec2strIntDouble
- vecAngle2Rot
- vecPair2Rot
- vecPairClosestPoint
- vec_normalize
- vecnormalize
- vectorOrthogonalPair
- vectorTensorProductArray
- vertexToFaceMeasure
- viewFourthOrderTensor
- viridis
- voigtMap
- voigtUnMap
- vonMisesStat
- vorMap2triSurf
- voronoiDiagramEven2D
- voxelDistMarch
- voxelate
- waitForValidButtonPress
- warmcold
- wcbp
- wjet
- wmean
- writeBasicSmesh
- writeMtrFile_tetGen
- writeNodeFile_tetGen
- write_FEB_input
- write_XML_no_extra_lines
- xmlView
- STUDY_00_wrist_ligament_reconstruction.m
- STUDY_01_wrist_scaffold_single_fiber_iFEA_elastic.m
- STUDY_02_wrist_scaffold_single_fiber_iFEA_viscoelastic.m
- STUDY_03_wrist_motion_triplane.m
- STUDY_04_wrist_scaffold_multiple_fiber_evaluation.m
- STUDY_05_wrist_motion_carpal_model.m
- DCM2euler
- DEMO_JOSS_logo
- DEMO_Jansen_linkage_animation_01
- DEMO_MixedTetHexMeshing
- DEMO_MixedTetHexMeshing_torus
- DEMO_abaqus_0001_cube_uniaxial
- DEMO_additional_colormaps
- DEMO_aorta_build_passive_01
- DEMO_febio_00014_cube_varying_material
- DEMO_febio_0001_cube_uniaxial
- DEMO_febio_0002_beam_force
- DEMO_febio_0003_beam_bending
- DEMO_febio_0004_beam_twist
- DEMO_febio_0005_cube_tension_compression_shear
- DEMO_febio_0006_sphere_indentation
- DEMO_febio_0007_sphere_sliding
- DEMO_febio_0008_cube_body_load
- DEMO_febio_0009_cube_discrete_springs
- DEMO_febio_0010_trabeculae_compression
- DEMO_febio_0011_cube_multi_generation
- DEMO_febio_0012_disc_pressure
- DEMO_febio_0013_disc_pressure_varying
- DEMO_febio_0015_cube_fibers_transiso
- DEMO_febio_0016_cube_viscoelastic_ramp_hold
- DEMO_febio_0017_cube_viscoelastic_load_unload
- DEMO_febio_0018_cube_poroelastic_ramp_hold
- DEMO_febio_0019_vessel_pressure_inflate
- DEMO_febio_0020_vessel_balloon_inflate
- DEMO_febio_0020_vessel_balloon_inflate
- DEMO_febio_0021_bone_three_point_bending
- DEMO_febio_0022_multigen_interface_band
- DEMO_febio_0023_beam_gravity_body_load
- DEMO_febio_0024_active_contraction_tongue
- DEMO_febio_0025_cube_uniaxial_stiffness analysis
- DEMO_febio_0026_hexlattice_compression
- DEMO_febio_0027_layer_spatially_varying_material
- DEMO_febio_0028_sphere_indentation_friction_twist
- DEMO_febio_0029_contact_friction_benchmark_boxes
- DEMO_febio_0030_block_varying_nodal_forces
- DEMO_febio_0031_blob_shear_contact
- DEMO_febio_0031_blob_shear_contact
- DEMO_febio_0032_sphere_tube_slide
- DEMO_febio_0033_sphere_tube_slide_body_force
- DEMO_febio_0034_sphere_cone_slide_body_force
- DEMO_febio_0035_blob_shear_contact_hex8
- DEMO_febio_0036_sphere_branches_slide_body_force
- DEMO_febio_0037_lattice_test_octet_truss_01
- DEMO_febio_0038_cube_uniaxial_HGO
- DEMO_febio_0039_nut_bolt_ring
- DEMO_febio_0040_propeller_contact
- DEMO_febio_0041_beam_L_force
- DEMO_febio_0042_inverse_FEA_cube_uniaxial
- DEMO_febio_0043_pyra5_element
- DEMO_febio_0044_mammography_01.m
- DEMO_febio_0045_tentacle_active_contraction_01.m
- DEMO_febio_0047_cylinder_embedded_probe_01
- DEMO_febio_0049_gap_close_01.m
- DEMO_febio_0050_foot_insole_01
- DEMO_febio_0051_hip_implant_01
- DEMO_febio_0052_breast_gap_close_01.m
- DEMO_febio_0054_lattice_hydrostatic_01
- DEMO_febio_0056_cylinder_embedded_probe_02
- DEMO_febio_0057_diamond_lattice_compression_01
- DEMO_febio_0059_face_mask_loading
- DEMO_febio_0060_vertebrae_disc_01
- DEMO_febio_0061_breast_gravity.m
- DEMO_febio_0062_femur_load_01
- DEMO_febio_0063_custom_hip_implant_01.m
- DEMO_febio_0065_clamp_tension_test
- DEMO_febio_0066_clamp_tension_test_friction
- DEMO_febio_0067_hip_implant_regional_stiffness_optimize_01.m
- DEMO_febio_0068_roll_self_contact_01
- DEMO_febio_0069_must_points_export
- DEMO_febio_0070_pneunet_actuator_simple_01
- DEMO_febio_0071_pneunet_actuator_set_01
- DEMO_febio_0072_pneunet_actuator_set_disp_01
- DEMO_febio_0073_deformable_cylinders_contact_01
- DEMO_febio_0074_vertebrae_compression_01
- DEMO_febio_0075_cube_donnan_equilibrium_swelling_01
- DEMO_febio_0076_actuator_donnan_equilibrium_swelling_01
- DEMO_febio_0077_cube_perfect_osmometer_01.m
- DEMO_febio_0078_actuator_perfect_osmometer_01
- DEMO_febio_0078_actuator_perfect_osmometer_01
- DEMO_febio_0080_kirigami_gripper_01
- DEMO_febio_0081_interface_tear_sticky_01.m
- DEMO_febio_0081_kresling_unit_01
- DEMO_febio_0082_kresling_unit_subtri_01
- DEMO_febio_0083_kresling_unit_regiontrimesh_02
- DEMO_febio_0084_kresling_unit_shell_03
- DEMO_febio_0085_soft_robotic_star_01
- DEMO_febio_0086_earbud_insert_01
- DEMO_febio_0087_inverse_FEA_cube_uniaxial_viscoelastic
- DEMO_geodesic_remeshing
- DEMO_heart_contours_hex_mesh_warping_01.m
- DEMO_imx_levelset_surface_compare
- DEMO_mesh_bifurcation_angle_control
- DEMO_mesh_bifurcation_cut_loft_branch
- DEMO_obj_resample_texture
- DEMO_stent_design_sigmoid_01
- DEMO_stent_hexahedral_sweeping
- DEMO_stent_hexahedral_sweeping_02
- DEMO_surface_smooth_methods
- DEMO_visualization_von_mises_plasticity_01
- DEMO_volumetric_SED_eval
- FFT_derivative
- GIBBON: A Geometry and Image-Based Bioengineering Add-on for MATLAB
- Getting started
- HELP_ellipsoidFit_centered
- HELP_euler2DCM
- HELP_ggremesh
- HELP_triSurfCentroid
- MRcart2im
- MRcart2imNeg
- MRimageUnitScale
- R_squared
- SVD_filter
- TriScatteredInterp_ND
- TriScatteredInterp_nat_near
- Use the tree on the left to browse through the documentation.
- abaqusStruct2inp
- addAttributeSetXML
- addAttributeXML
- addElementSetXML
- addElementValueXML
- addElementXML
- addHelpSearch
- adjacentdircount
- affineTransformationMatrixDirect
- agd
- amfStruct2xml
- anim8
- axisGeom
- axisLim
- axis_inc
- batman
- bezierCurve
- bias_nodes1d
- biharmonicSplineInterpolation
- blood
- bloodbone
- box_indices
- boxconstrain
- cFigure
- cap_patchCylinder
- cart2im
- cell2txtfile
- cellEig
- cellPair2struct
- cellTrace
- changeFileExtensions
- che
- circlefit
- cividis
- ckmkdir
- cleanDir
- cleanUpTetGen
- cmaperise
- coarsepatch
- constrainedDelaunayTetGen
- contour2levelset
- contour2logic
- contourRegularise
- cow
- createHelpDemoDocumentation
- crossProdMat
- cs3dPath
- csapsPar
- cunique
- curvePathOrderFix
- curveToEdgeList
- dcmFolder2MATobject
- dcmFolderAnon
- defMetrics
- delaunayZip
- dev
- diamondLattice
- dicom3Dpar
- dihedralAngles
- discQuadMesh
- disp2strain
- dispDoneGibbonCode
- dispStartTitleGibbonCode
- distND
- doubleContraction
- dualClad
- dualLattice
- dyadicProduct
- edgeLengths
- edgeListToCurve
- edgeNormal
- edgeVec
- efw
- element2HexLattice
- element2faces
- element2lattice
- element2patch
- elephant
- ellipseCoord
- ellipseCoord3
- ellipseFit
- ellipseFit3
- errorbarC_XY
- eulerChar
- evenlySampleCurve
- evenlySpaceCurve
- exportGif
- exportGifAnim8
- export_INP
- export_STL_txt
- export_mesh
- export_off
- faceToVertexMeasure
- febView
- febio
- febioDoc
- febioStruct2xml
- febioStructTemplate
- femur
- fftnconv
- filletCurve
- fire
- fireice
- fixNormalsOutward
- flare
- fmin_fvalfind_ppform
- fmin_symbolic_form
- foamWrap
- fourthOrderCell
- fourthOrderMat
- freeBoundaryPatch
- freeMemory
- gaborCoil
- gaborFilter
- gabor_kernel
- gauss_kernel
- gaussianpdf
- gcombvec
- gcontains
- gcontour
- gd
- gdoc
- gdrawnow
- gedge
- geoSphere
- getColumns
- getFEBioPath
- getFebioSpecVersion
- getInnerPoint
- getInnerVoxel
- getSubPaths
- getTestFiles
- getViewProfile
- getVoronoiStats
- getimdat
- gjet
- gpatch
- gpublish
- gramSchmidtOrtho
- graphicsModels
- gray2RGBColorMap
- grayColor
- grayJetc
- graygjet
- grayjet
- grid2patch
- griddata_delaunay
- groupVertices
- gtitle
- gviridis
- gxmlwrite
- hemiSphereCylMesh
- hemiSphereMesh
- hemiSphereRegionMesh
- hessianScalar
- hex2patch
- hex2rdl
- hex2tet
- hex8_hex20
- hexMeshBox
- hexMeshCubeSphere
- hexMeshCylinder
- hexMeshHemiSphere
- hexMeshSphere
- hexVol
- hexahedral_hexagon_beam
- hip_implant
- honeyCombMesh
- ice
- icolorbar
- igviridis
- im2MRcart
- im2MRcartNeg
- im2cart
- im2patch
- imageResample
- image_numeric
- imlabelMean
- importAbaqusDat
- importAnyBodyOutput
- importEleFile_tetGen
- importFEBio_logfile
- importFaceFile_tetGen
- importNodeFile_tetGen
- importTETGEN
- import_FEB
- import_INP
- import_STL
- import_STL_bin
- import_STL_txt
- import_obj
- import_off
- imrician
- imsphere_IND_INT
- imx
- inc2cumDisp
- ind2logic
- ind2patch
- ind2subn
- inddiag
- inddisp2cumdisp
- inferno
- inputdlgStruct
- insphere
- interp1_ND
- interpDirVec
- interp_polar
- interp_spherical
- intesselation
- intriangle
- inv_parbound
- isConvexPolyhedron
- isGlobalSurfDirOutward
- isInsideTR
- isPolyClockwise
- isapprox
- isclose
- iseven
- ishappy
- isrounded
- isrowmember
- ivoigtMap
- iwarmcold
- joinElementSets
- kabschRotationMatrix
- kelvinMap
- kelvinUnMap
- kronDelta
- kvw
- kwJet
- lameInvertHookeOrthotropic
- laplacian_smoothing
- levelset2isosurface
- lineVec
- linspacen
- loftLinQuad2hex
- logic2isosurface
- logic2levelset
- logic2subind
- logicErodeDilate
- logicRemoveInterior
- logit
- loremIpsum
- mJet
- magma
- makeSymbolicStiffnessTensor
- mask_design
- maskfind
- maskimage
- mat2strIntDouble
- matplotlibColormap
- maxDist
- maxFig
- maxnumel
- mcol
- meanValueCoordinates
- meanfilt3
- mergeImageData
- mergeImageSet
- mergeVertices
- mesh2tri
- meshBoundary
- meshCleave
- meshDistMarch
- meshView
- mfv
- minDist
- minFig
- minPolyTwist
- mrow
- multiRegionTriMesh2D
- multiRegionTriMesh2D
- ndet
- nonlinspace
- nowStr
- numConnect
- numOrder
- numReplace
- oblique_mask
- ongrid
- orange
- overobj2
- padLinDim
- padeven
- padrep
- parHipImplant
- parLimNat
- parasaurolophus
- parbound
- patch2EdgeIm
- patch2EdgeIm
- patch2Im
- patch2STL
- patch2edgeIND
- patch2obj
- patch2tri
- patchArea
- patchBoundary
- patchCentre
- patchCleanUnused
- patchClosedCylinder
- patchConnectivity
- patchCount
- patchCurvature
- patchCylSurfClose
- patchDetach
- patchEdgeAngles
- patchEdgeCollapse
- patchEdgeLengths
- patchEdges
- patchExtend
- patchExtrude
- patchFaceAngles
- patchFeatureDetect
- patchIND
- patchMarchDistMapIterative
- patchNanFix
- patchNormPlot
- patchNormal
- patchNormalFix
- patchPathAngles
- patchPointDist
- patchRemoveCollapsed
- patchSmooth
- patchThick
- patchTorus
- patchVectorTangent
- patchVolumepatchVolume
- patch_dual
- patchcylinder
- pathLength
- pathSepFix
- pdfView
- pentaVol
- pillowHex
- plane_fit
- plane_intersect
- plasma
- platonic_solid
- plotContours
- plotV
- point2TriSurfDist
- pointAnnotate
- pointCloudPrinDir
- pointLocationTR
- pointLocationTR_parfor
- pointSetDistMap
- pointSetPrincipalDir
- polar_loop_space
- polyCircularity
- polyContourThick
- polyCurveLength
- polyExtrude
- polyExtrude
- polyLineIntersect
- polyNormal
- polyOrderDelaunay
- polyResample
- polyRevolve
- polySet2Im
- polyTube
- polyarea_signed
- polycentroid
- polythick
- ppInv
- pp_x_at_y
- ppval_extrapVal
- prin2effective
- pround
- publishHelpDocAll
- qginput
- quad2tri
- quad4_quad8
- quadBox
- quadPlate
- quadSphere
- quadSurfRemoveTwoConnect
- quadThick
- quad_smooth
- quadrep
- quiver3Dpatch
- quiverCurve
- quiverLine
- quiverTriad
- quiverVec
- randInCircle
- rand_angle
- rayleighpdf
- reactionDiffusionMesh
- regionTriMesh2D
- regionTriMesh3D
- regionTriMeshRand2D
- remeshTriSurfDistMap
- removeNotIndexed
- resampleColormap
- rgbImage2ColorMap
- rhombicDodecahedron
- rhombicDodecahedronHex
- rhombicDodecahedronMesh
- rician_LMMSE_filter
- ricianpdf
- rigidTransformVertices
- rigidTransformationMatrixDirect
- rigidbody_transform
- rms
- rot2VecAngle
- rotate_vertices
- rozenbrock
- runMonitorFEBio
- runTetGen
- sampleCurveEvenly
- sawtoothWave
- scalePatch
- scancell
- scatterV
- scatter_stats
- scf
- scramble
- seedIndex2triangulation
- selectBox
- setFEBioPath
- setViewProfile
- set_output_request_FEBIO
- shear_bulk2poisson
- shear_poisson2bulk
- shiftV
- sigmoid_pchip
- simplexImIntersect
- sliceIntersectPatch
- smoothHeaviside
- smoothSquareWave
- smoothTaubin
- snap2grid
- snapSubInd
- sparseMin
- sparseSphericalMask
- specialPointerShape
- sph
- sphereOctant
- spinodoid
- splitCurveSetMesh
- splitVertices
- spmax
- spmin
- squircle
- sround
- stanford_bunny
- stochasticMicrostructure
- struct2txt
- structComplete
- strwrap
- sub2indn
- subCurve
- subEdge
- subHex
- subImage
- subQuad
- subQuadCatmullClark
- subTet
- subTriCentre
- subTriDual
- subTriLocal
- subTriLoop
- subTriSplit
- subtri
- subtri
- surf_slice
- surfacePairIntersect
- surface_intersect
- sv2
- sv3
- sweepCurveBezier
- sweepCurveSmooth
- sweepLoft
- tensor2voigtMap
- tensorArray2tensorCell
- tesBoundary
- tesIND
- tesSmooth
- tesSmoothPosNeg
- tesSmooth_HC
- tesSmooth_LAP
- tesgrid
- tesgroup
- testGibbon
- tet2hex
- tet4_tet10
- tetMeshBox
- tetVol
- textImage
- textView
- tform
- thetaphi2DCM
- thetaphi2vec
- tri2quad
- tri2quadGroupSplit
- tri2rhombi
- tri3_tri6
- tri6_subtri3
- triBox
- triEdgeSplit
- triIncenter
- triLinearTet_F
- triLinearTri_F
- triLinearTri_F2D
- triMeshEquilateral
- triPolyDualRefine
- triRemeshLabel
- triSurf2Im
- triSurf2ImSpec
- triSurfCloseHoles
- triSurfLogicSharpFix
- triSurfPermuteColor
- triSurfRayTrace
- triSurfRemoveThreeConnect
- triSurfSelfTriangulateBoundary
- triSurfSetDist
- triSurfSlice
- triSurfSmoothFourier
- triSurfVolume
- triThick
- tri_area
- triangleRayIntersection
- triangleWave
- triangle_wave
- trigradient
- trinorm
- triplet_find
- triplyPeriodicMinimal
- triplyPeriodicMinimalSurface
- trisurf_intersect
- trisurfsmooth
- trisurfsmoothHC
- truncatePolyhedra
- truncatedOctahedron
- truncatedOctahedronMesh
- txt2struct
- txtfile2cell
- uiThreshErode
- ukr
- uniqueIntegerRow
- unique_map
- unique_patch
- unpadeven
- unsharp
- unzipAll
- utah_teapot
- var2cellstr
- vcw
- vec2strIntDouble
- vecAngle2Rot
- vecPairClosestPoint
- vec_normalize
- vecnormalize
- vectorOrthogonalPair
- vectorTensorProductArray
- vertexToFaceMeasure
- viewFourthOrderTensor
- viridis
- voigtMap
- voigtUnMap
- vonMisesStat
- vorMap2triSurf
- voxelate
- waitForValidButtonPress
- warmcold
- wcbp
- wjet
- wmean
- writeBasicSmesh
- writeMtrFile_tetGen
- writeNodeFile_tetGen
- write_FEB_input
- write_XML_no_extra_lines
- xmlView
Versions that use the GitHub default branch cannot be downloaded
Version | Published | Release Notes | |
3.5.0 | Updated citation data, description, version |
| | Updated description
| | Changed logo
| |
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