Antarctic Mapping Tools

Version 6.0 (14.1 MB) by Chad Greene
A toolbox for analysis and display of Antarctica-related data
Updated 31 Dec 2021

Click on the Examples Tab ^^^ for detailed descriptions of AMT functions.

This toolbox is for importing, analyzing, and displaying Antarctica-related data. AMT is designed to provide a standard framework to allow easy pairing of multiple different types of data sets (surface elevation, ice velocity, grounding line, etc). For a quick overview, check the Examples tab on this page and click "AMT Getting Started". To find data-specific plugins for this toolbox, search the File Exchange site for "AMT".

Note to users: AMT was originally written to be used with Matlab's Mapping Toolbox. However, Matlab's Mapping Toolbox is sometimes inefficient and difficult to work with. And depending on Matlab's Mapping Toolbox makes it harder to share codes. So I've been moving more toward plotting mostly in polar stereographic meters. There is a suite of functions ending in "ps" that make this easy.

If AMT is useful for you, please cite our paper!

Cite As

Greene, Chad A., et al. “Antarctic Mapping Tools for Matlab.” Computers & Geosciences, vol. 104, Elsevier BV, July 2017, pp. 151–57, doi:10.1016/j.cageo.2016.08.003.

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Version Published Release Notes

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Added profile smoother and peclet function.


Added Live Scripts


Documentation edits and added base2freeboard function.

Added a new geoquadps function. Also started support for changing the meridian longitude in plotting functions.

Just a few documentation updates.

Added a new function quiverps.

Added inset_unproj for creating inset maps in unprojected coordinates.
Description update.
typo fix.
fixed a broken hyperlink.

added freeboard to thickness conversions and updated some documentation.

Documentation updates for AMT Getting Started and List of Functions.

Rewrote the "AMT Getting Started" page and added the new circlesps function. Also, in previous versions plotps, pcolorps, etc all ended with "axis equal", but that has now been changed to setting aspect ratio via daspect.

Added pspath and pathdistps.
Updated only the description on this page.

Added mapzoomps function. Also incremented numbering scheme to version 5.00--No major changes with this update, but I'm trying to jump past confusion with previous numbering.

Fixed a bug where graticuleps was resetting axis limits. Also updated the List of Functions to include some new plugins.

file upload error in previous attempt.
Added surfps, plot3ps, scalebarps, coord, and clickz functions. Thanks to Tom Richter for suggesting inclusion of surfps and plot3ps.

mapzoom now allows center location in polar stereographic coordinates.

Added inpsquad function.

Added uv2vxvy and vxvy2uv functions.

Added psgrid function and islatlon. Updated names in SCAR database to be less like "Vostok, Lake" and more like "Lake Vostok".

Added scatterps, contourps, textps, graticuleps. Added support for polar stereographic kilometers. Added several documentation files and examples.

Addition of crossovers function.
Addition of crossovers function.

Inclusion of plotps, pcolorps, and patchps for creating polar stereographic maps without Matlab's Mapping Toolbox.

V3: Addition of shadem function, which creates shaded relief (hillshade) images. Addition of find2drange function, which plugin functions will use to clip data to a region of interest. Improved documentation for scarlabel and scarclick functions.

A few minutes ago I uploaded a version in which the default units in the pathdist function were kilometers. Now the default units are meters.

Updated SCAR Gazetteer database and added scarclick function, which allows users to click on a map to get names of features. Updated some documentation.

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To view or report issues in this GitHub add-on, visit the GitHub Repository.