n permute k

Version (2.36 KB) by Eydrian
Based on Matt Fig's npermutek this function returns all possible permutations of most matlab classes
Updated 28 Feb 2013

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Permutation of elements with replacement/repetition. MAT = npermutek(N,K) returns all possible samplings of length K from vector N of type: ordered sample with replacement. MAT has size (numel(N)^K)-by-K, where K must be a scalar. [MAT, IDX] = npermutek(N,K) also returns IDX such that MAT = N(IDX).
N may be of any numeric class, char, cell, struct, or even obj.

Cite As

Eydrian (2024). n permute k (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/40546-n-permute-k), MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved .

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Created with R2012b
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Inspired by: N_PERMUTE_K

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Version Published Release Notes

Changed description
Cell example was wrong