UTM2LatLong GeoTiff Converter

Convert GeoTiff images in UTM coordinates to GeoTiffs in Lat/Long coordinates.
Updated 23 Jul 2012

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This tool converts a UTM GeoTiff, or a tiff with corresponding UTM world file, into a Lat/Long GeoTiff without the use of the Mapping Toolbox.

The source file is read in and a new GeoTiff is created with the geographic directory information.

This function utilizes the following functions found on the File Exchange website:
geotiffwrite.m by Jimmy Shen (File ID: #27959)
utm2ell.m by Mike Craymer (included in his Geodetic Toolbox #15285)
rad2deg.m by Mike Craymer (included in his Geodetic Toolbox #15285)

Cite As

Kyle Mayer (2024). UTM2LatLong GeoTiff Converter (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/37605-utm2latlong-geotiff-converter), MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved .

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R2007a
Compatible with any release
Platform Compatibility
Windows macOS Linux

Inspired by: Geodetic Toolbox, geotiffwrite

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