
Import a .kml file as a series of shapefile structs. Like kml_shapefile, but more stable.
Updated 8 Jun 2012

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Editor's Note: This file was selected as MATLAB Central Pick of the Week

Import a Google Earth .kml file of points, lines, polygons, or a combination, as a Matlab struct, compatible with the Mapping Toolbox features, and with shapefiles imported with shaperead().

Structs are composed of the following fields:

- Geometry
- Name
- Description
- Lon
- Lat
- BoundingBox

Mapping Toolbox polygons require a clockwise convention to specify between negative and positive areas. These are not specified in .kml files, so all polygons are converted to clockwise orientation to guarantee that they represent positive space.

Cite As

James Slegers (2025). kml2struct (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved .

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R2010b
Compatible with any release
Platform Compatibility
Windows macOS Linux

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Version Published Release Notes

Fixed description tag clipping, and the cell2double issue - both of which were mentioned by Stephen in the comments.