Image Acquisition Toolbox Test Suite for GenICam GenTL

This test suite is designed to help vendors qualify their GenTL producers and camera hardware for use with the Image Acquisition Toolbox
Updated 26 Jul 2024

Image Acquisition Toolbox Test Suite for GenTL Producers and Hardware

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This test suite is designed to help users qualify their GenTL producers and compliant camera hardware for use with MATLAB® using Image Acquisition Toolbox™.

The primary function to use is runGenTLTestSuite(), through which individual test points, combinations of test points, or all test points included in this repository can be run with available GenTL producers and GenICam-compliant camera hardware.

Run this test suite to verify the basic behavior of GenTL producers when used by the MATLAB consumer, specifically pertaining to the videoinput object and other Image Acquisition Toolbox functions and workflows. Basic results of the test suite appear in the MATLAB Command Window, while detailed results are stored in a log file.


This test suite requires several MathWorks products. This test suite also requires at least one GenTL Producer installed on the local machine, and at least one GenICam-compliant camera, though some test points require multiple to run correctly and will be filtered if sufficient producers and devices are not found. To Run:

  1. Execute runGenTLTestSuite() at the MATLAB Command Window
    • To run all test points on all discoverable configurations, do not include arguments. To run specific tests, specify a string array, character vector, or cell array of character vectors containing test file names and/or individual test procedure names (see runtests documentation). The log file will be saved to the system temporary directory by default.
      • Example:
        >> runGenTLTestSuite("tVideoinput")
    • Specify "ProducerDirs" name-value pair as a string array, character vector, or cell array of character vectors of absolute paths to directories containing .CTI files to be tested
      • Example:
        >> runGenTLTestSuite("ProducerDirs", {'C:\Program Files\VendorName1\Producer\bin\x64', 'C:\Program Files\VendorName2\Producer\x64'})
    • Specify "LogDirectory" name-value pair as an absolute or relative path to which the log file should be saved.
      • Example:
        >> runGenTLTestSuite("LogDirectory", "C:\Users\username\Documents"})
    • Specify an optional output argument to save the TestResult array to a variable. See documentation for matlab.unittest.TestResult for information on this structure.
      • Example:
        >> result = runGenTLTestSuite()
    • Specify an optional second output argument to save the full path to the log file as a variable
      • Example:
        >> [result, logfile] = runGenTLTestSuite()
  2. View Command Window output for a short summary of test results
    • Example:
      >> p = {'C:\Program Files\VendorName1\Producer\bin\x64', 'C:\Program Files\VendorName2\Producer\x64'};
      >> result = runGenTLTestSuite("tAcquisition", "ProducerDirs", p)
      The output to the MATLAB Command Window of this test run could look something like this:
      Failure Summary
      Name                                                            Failed  Incomplete
      tAcquisition/verifyTestPattern                                               X    
      Device ID=1
      C:\Program Files\VendorName1\Producer\x64
      tAcquisition/verifyTestPattern                                               X    
      Device ID=1
      C:\Program Files\VendorName2\Producer\x64
      The above Failure Summary indicates that the verifyTestPattern test point in test file tAcquisition.m was not able to run to completion. Further analysis of the log file indicates that the test was filtered because the camera represented by Device ID 1 does not have the TestPattern source property. Because they are not mentioned in the Failure Summary, all other test points that were run have passed. The passed test points and configurations can be viewed like so:
      >> disp({result([result.Passed]).Name}')
              {'tAcquisition[DeviceConfig=struct#ext]/verifyAcquisition'  }
              {'tAcquisition[DeviceConfig=struct#ext]/verifySnapshot'     }
              {'tAcquisition[DeviceConfig=struct#ext]/verifyPreview'      }
              {'tAcquisition[DeviceConfig=struct_1#ext]/verifySnapshot'   }
              {'tAcquisition[DeviceConfig=struct_1#ext]/verifyPreview'    }
              {'tAcquisition[DeviceConfig=struct_2#ext]/verifySnapshot'   }
              {'tAcquisition[DeviceConfig=struct_2#ext]/verifyPreview'    }
  3. In the event of failures, view the log file for more information and debugging. If no directory is specified with the "LogDirectory" input argument, the log file is saved to the system temporary directory (tempdir).

In the event issues are encountered, contact MathWorks Technical Support. Include the log file, a copy of your current imaqsupport.txt, and the generated hardware specification files of any failing configurations located in the hwspec/ subdirectory located directly under the repository root.

You can generate a fresh imaqsupport.txt using the imaqsupport() function, which generates the file in the current directory.

Additional Setup Information:

You can download and run this test suite from any directory with MATLAB write access. Make sure that MATLAB has write access to the system temporary directory and any directory specified for the log file.

Environment Variables

If not specifying producer directories to test using the "ProducerDirs" name-value pair, verify that all producer directories which you intend to have the test suite use are listed under the GENICAM_GENTL64_PATH environment variable before executing the test suite. You can check this from the MATLAB Command Window by executing:

>> getenv("GENICAM_GENTL64_PATH")

Note that if runGenTLTestSuite is stopped while running, or exits incorrectly, the GENICAM_GENTL64_PATH may not be reset to its original state on cleanup. To rectify this, either reset the environment variable manually with setenv() or restart MATLAB.

Hardware Specification Files

Hardware specification files will be generated into a subdirectory called hwspec. These files correspond to an individual camera-producer pair and contain information about available device properties and formats. Each file is generated the first time a pair is detected during any test run and will be reused in future test runs unless deleted, moved, or renamed. Regenerate a hardware specification file by deleting, renaming, or moving the existing file out of the hwspec subdirectory and then run runGenTLTestSuite with any arguments as long as the desired configuration is included.

Advanced Arguments

There are two other optional name-value arguments that can be used, "DeviceIDs" and "Formats". These arguments and their usage are outlined below. Using these arguments adds complexity to the parameterization of the test suite and may require prior knowledge of the available producer and device configurations to be used effectively.

  • Specify "DeviceIDs" name-value pair as an integer array of Device IDs. This assumes all testable producers enumerate the devices in the same order. This also assumes that all of the Device IDs contained in the input argument will be enumerable when each individual producer to be tested is set as the only entry in the GENICAM_GENTL64_PATH environment variable. As such, specifying the "ProducerDirs" name-value pair only with producer directories that are known to enumerate the the input Device IDs (or specifying only one producer directory to use) is recommended.
    • Example:
      >> runGenTLTestSuite("DeviceIDs", [1 2 4])
  • Specify "Formats" name-value pair as a string array, character vector, or cell array of character vectors of formats to be tested when tFormats.m is among the test files to be run. All devices specified to be used in testing must be able to use all the specified formats, and any invalid configurations will be filtered when tFormats.m is run/
    • Example:
      >> runGenTLTestSuite("Formats", {'Mono8', 'Mono16', 'RGB8Packed'})

Filtered Tests and Ignored Arguments

Some may be filtered automatically if certain conditions are met. This can be for a variety of reasons, but some common ones include:

  • Devices do not have the required properties (e.g. tAcquisition/verifyTestPattern requires TestPattern source property)
  • Not enough Devices connected/detected (e.g. tProducer/verifyVendorDriver requires two cameras)
  • Input arguments are invalid (e.g. tFormats will filter verification for input formats that are not available on the device-under-test)

Additionally, some test points within this repository will ignore name-value arguments that have been input due to their specific parameterization needs and will cause runGenTLTestSuite to throw a warning. The following table outlines which test files ignore which name-value input arguments when specified:

<markdown-accessiblity-table><table class="readme_table"> <thead> <tr> <th class="readme_th"><strong>Test File</strong></th> <th class="readme_th"><strong>ProducerDirs</strong></th> <th class="readme_th"><strong>DeviceIDs</strong></th> <th class="readme_th"><strong>Formats</strong></th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td class="readme_td"><strong>tAcquisition</strong></td> <td class="readme_td">Used</td> <td class="readme_td">Used</td> <td class="readme_td">Ignored</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="readme_td"><strong>tDevices</strong></td> <td class="readme_td">Ignored</td> <td class="readme_td">Ignored</td> <td class="readme_td">Ignored</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="readme_td"><strong>tFormats</strong></td> <td class="readme_td">Used</td> <td class="readme_td">Used</td> <td class="readme_td">Used</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="readme_td"><strong>tProducer</strong></td> <td class="readme_td">Used</td> <td class="readme_td">Ignored</td> <td class="readme_td">Ignored</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="readme_td"><strong>tVideoinput</strong></td> <td class="readme_td">Used</td> <td class="readme_td">Used</td> <td class="readme_td">Ignored</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></markdown-accessiblity-table>

Required products for this test suite are:

  • MATLAB release R2023b or newer
  • Image Acquisition Toolbox
  • Image Acquisition Toolbox Support Package for GenICam Interface
  • Image Processing Toolbox

Getting Started

Information about Getting Started


Run a variety of tests with individual calls

Run all test points in tVideoinput.m:

>> result = runGenTLTestSuite("tVideoinput")

Run only the verifySnapshot test point in tAcquisition.m:

>> result = runGenTLTestSuite("tAcquisition/verifySnapshot")

Run all of the above in one function call:

>> result = runGenTLTestSuite({'tVideoinput', 'tAcquisition/verifySnapshot'})

Run tests using specific producer directories and devices

Run verifySnapshot from tAcquisition.m using only the producer directories specified in cell array p:

>> p = {'C:\Program Files\VendorName1\Producer\bin\x64', 'C:\Program Files\VendorName2\Producer\x64'};
>> result = runGenTLTestSuite("tAcquisition/verifySnapshot","ProducerDirs",p)

Run tVideoinput.m using the first producer in p, and only on device IDs 1 and 2:

>> result = runGenTLTestSuite("tVideoinput","ProducerDirs", p(1), "DeviceIDs", [1 2])


The license is available in the license.txt file in this GitHub repository.

Community Support

MATLAB Central

Copyright 2024 The MathWorks, Inc.

Cite As

MathWorks Image Acquisition Toolbox Team (2025). Image Acquisition Toolbox Test Suite for GenICam GenTL (, GitHub. Retrieved .

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R2024a
Compatible with R2024a and later releases
Platform Compatibility
Windows macOS Linux
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