Planck Law GUI

This interface allows performing several tasks concerning the processing of Planck’s law.
Updated 7 May 2023

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This interface allows performing several tasks concerning the processing of Planck’s law. By introducing a value of the temperature in the field Temperature in Kelvin and clicking on Display, the theoretical profile of this law is displayed on the figure. Moreover, it is possible to choose the scale on which the graph in question will be displayed, for this it is enough to select one of the following fields : Linear, Semi-logarithmic and Logarithmic. By selecting the linear scale, a dialog box Choose the color opens immediately, inviting the user to choose one of the colors with which the graph of Planck’s law will be drawn. The figure obtained can be saved in *.gif format in the current directory, by simply clicking on Save figure. The Panel Energy Density for two wavelengths is designed to calculate the radiant energy density by introducing two wavelengths in the range 0 − 30μm. To calculate this integral, it is necessary to introduce the two bounds of the integral, the lower bound and the upper bound. If one of these parameters 1st wavelength and/or 2nd wavelength is empty, the interface returns an error message. The Panel Other computing is used to identify the maximum wavelength of the radiation, to calculate the total energy density integral and Wien’s law. By clicking on Refresh all the values of the two Panels Energy Density for two wavelengths and Other computing are updated in order to launch new calculations. By selecting Grid, a grid is added to the figure. Finally, a click on Quit, the interface returns a message inviting the user to confirm or not his willingness to close it.

Cite As

Kenouche Samir (2025). Planck Law GUI (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved .

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R2023a
Compatible with any release
Platform Compatibility
Windows macOS Linux

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improved version
