
Function to convert vectors of UTM coordinates into Lat/Lon vectors (WGS84)
Updated 17 Aug 2006

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This function is based on UTMIP.m function by Gabriel Ruiz Martinez, but instead of providing a GUI it works with vectors of coordinates.

[Lat,Lon] = utm2deg(x,y,utmzone)

% Example 1:
% x=[ 458731; 407653; 239027; 230253; 343898; 362850];
% y=[4462881; 5126290; 4163083; 3171843; 4302285; 2772478];
% utmzone=['30 T'; '32 T'; '11 S'; '28 R'; '15 S'; '51 R'];
% [Lat, Lon]=utm2deg(x,y,utmzone);
% fprintf('%11.6f ',lat)
% 40.315430 46.283902 37.577834 28.645647 38.855552 25.061780
% fprintf('%11.6f ',lon)
% -3.485713 7.801235 -119.955246 -17.759537 -94.799019 121.640266
% Example 2: If you need Lat/Lon coordinates in Degrees, Minutes and Seconds
% [Lat, Lon]=utm2deg(x,y,utmzone);
% LatDMS=dms2mat(deg2dms(Lat))
%LatDMS =
% 40.00 18.00 55.55
% 46.00 17.00 2.01
% 37.00 34.00 40.17
% 28.00 38.00 44.33
% 38.00 51.00 19.96
% 25.00 3.00 42.41
% LonDMS=dms2mat(deg2dms(Lon))
%LonDMS =
% -3.00 29.00 8.61
% 7.00 48.00 4.40
% -119.00 57.00 18.93
% -17.00 45.00 34.33
% -94.00 47.00 56.47
% 121.00 38.00 24.96

Cite As

Rafael Palacios (2025). utm2deg (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/10914-utm2deg), MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved .

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