
Version 1.0 (2.78 KB) by Eike Petersen
Simple function to generate a random symmetric positive definite matrix with a specified condition number in Matlab
Updated 21 Dec 2021


A simple function to generate a random symmetric positive definite matrix with a specified condition number in Matlab.

Based on the specified condition number, a set of eigenvalues is generated. Then, an orthonormal eigenvector matrix U is generated using the RandOrthMat FEX function by Ofek Shilon, and the result is given by SPD=UDU'. (The distribution of the matrices U is uniform over the manifold O(n) w.r.t. the induced R^(n^2) Lebesgue measure.)

This script has been developed while I was at the University of Lübeck, with the Institute for Electrical Engineering in Medicine.

Cite As

Eike Petersen (2025). gen_rand_spd (, GitHub. Retrieved .

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R2019b
Compatible with any release
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Windows macOS Linux

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