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reading in 2 data files

4 views (last 30 days)
Michael on 15 Jun 2011
I have a program that basically reads in a .EVT file and then analyzes it and parses data from it. The program then reads in a .TXT file and uses some information from the .EVT file to store more data. The problem is that the time frames for both files might not match up, so I might need to read in 2 of the .EVT files in order to ensure that the text file lines up with it. For example, the text file might contain data from DOY 150-152 while the EVT file's data is from days 151-155. Any way to account for this?
Here is how i read in the EVT file:
EVT = uigetdir('','Browse to select .EVT data folder'); cd(EVT); EVT_file = uigetfile('*.EVT','Select the input EVT <a>file:')</a>; disp(['Processing file ',EVT_file]) hid_EVT = fopen(EVT_file); H = textscan(hid_EVT,'%s','delimiter',','); H2 = [H{:}];
I use H2 to find the information I need using indexing.

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