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DEcoding of run length snd huffman for image compression

1 view (last 30 days)
is there any coding of using run length method and huffman method can be used for image compression decoding ------

Accepted Answer

Jim Hokanson
Jim Hokanson on 25 Aug 2013
I am not aware of any that you would want to actually use. When working on a similar project involving JPEG I was unable to find a decent Huffman decoder that wasn't just a rough academic exercise. In particular the bit level manipulation required of a true decoder is very difficult to do in Matlab, unless you expand every bit to a single byte. Even then, I am not aware of any way of making the code even relatively quick in an interpreted language. In the end I ended up going with a 3rd party library and building a mex wrapper (libjpeg-turbo). In other words, if you want to just be able to say that you can do it in Matlab, the FEX is fine (search for Huffman), if you want something that you would actually use on a regular basis, use a 3rd party library. Unfortunately, I have none to recommend. libjpeg-turbo might expose the Huffman decoding step, but I don't know. I would think a TIFF library would be better.

More Answers (1)

Jan on 18 Aug 2013
You find several corresponding codes in the FileExchange. Simply search for these keywords. Even an internet search engine will find functions, when you search for "Matlab runlength huffman".
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 27 Aug 2013
In order to make the file available to you, we would send you a URL. But you already have a perfectly good URL to download the file: there is a download link right on every File Exchange submission. So it isn't clear what we could do for you that you cannot do for yourself ?

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