how to extract the wavelet transform cwt coefficient applying to signal ??

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I want to extract cwt function coefficient.
Fs = 1000;
t = 0:1/Fs:1-1/Fs;
z = exp(1i*2*pi*32*t).*(t>=0.1 & t<0.3)+exp(-1i*2*pi*64*t).*(t>0.7);
wgnNoise = 0.05/sqrt(2)*randn(size(t))+1i*0.05/sqrt(2)*randn(size(t));
z = z+wgnNoise;
[a,b,c,d,e] = cwt(z,Fs)
when I use this code, how I can know coefficients of function cwt applying to signal z??
thank you

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