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Compiled application - PostreSQL connection with JDBC driver

1 view (last 30 days)
I have created a script which creates a jdbc connection to a Postgresql database. In the editor the script runs fine, but when I compile the script it doesn't. I have included the driver into the required files and also the driver full path to static path of javaclasspath. Please help.I am using Matlab 2016b.
You may find below the code:
conn= database('db,'usern','pwd');
scriptfile= ['select "GPS_LON","GPS_LAT","SPEED_LOG_SPEED",'...
'"VESSEL_UNIQUEID" from "Aframax_Data" where "TIMESTAMP_UTC">=current_date-2 and "VESSEL_UNIQUEID"=''1625'''];
results = fetch(conn,scriptfile);

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