I'm struggling to get my time dependent boundary condition function working. I went back to the beginning and copied the example straight out of the documentation for "Boundary Conditions for Scalar PDE".
There appears to be two issues with this example. First, the critical step of generating the mesh is noticeably absent. The boundary condition function, as shown, only accounts for the eight edges of the basic geometry. However, once the initmesh function is performed, the edge matrix becomes much larger (all the edges of the individual triangular elements) and the edge boundary labels in the boundary condition function (1-8) are no longer valid.
Second, and probably most important, is that the "time" variable is an empty matrix causing errors in the calculations.
Has anyone had any success with this method?
Thanks - Michael
Here is the script I'm using:
R1 = [3,4,-1,1,1,-1,-.4,-.4,.4,.4]';
C1 = [1,.5,0,.2]';
C1 = [C1;zeros(length(R1)-length(C1),1)];
geom = [R1,C1];
ns = (char('R1','C1'))';
sf = 'R1-C1';
gd = decsg(geom,sf,ns);
xlim([-1.1 1.1])
axis equal
[p, e, t] = initmesh(gd,'Hmax',Inf);
xlim([-1.1 1.1])
axis equal
b = @BC_fun;
u0 = 0;
c = 1;
a = 0;
f = 10;
d = 1;
tlist = 0:.01:1;
u = parabolic(u0,tlist,b,p,e,t,c,a,f,d);
And here is the function file:
function [ qmatrix, gmatrix, hmatrix, rmatrix ] = BC_fun( p, e, u, time )
ne = size(e,2);
qmatrix = zeros(1,ne);
gmatrix = qmatrix;
hmatrix = zeros(1,2*ne);
rmatrix = hmatrix;
for k = 1:ne
x1 = p(1,e(1,k));
x2 = p(1,e(2,k));
xm = (x1 + x2)/2;
y1 = p(2,e(1,k));
y2 = p(2,e(2,k));
ym = (y1 + y2)/2;
switch e(5,k)
case {1,2,3,4}
hmatrix(k) = 1;
hmatrix(k+ne) = 1;
rmatrix(k) = time*(x1 - y1);
rmatrix(k+ne) = time*(x2 - y2);
qmatrix(k) = 1;
gmatrix(k) = xm^2 + ym^2;
Here is the error returned:
In an assignment A(I) = B, the number of elements in B and I must be the same.
Error in BC_fun (line 21)
rmatrix(k) = time*(x1 - y1);
Error in pdeefxpd (line 10)
Error in pdeexpd (line 40)
Error in pdeODEInfo/setN (line 178)
Error in pdeODEInfo/checkFuncDepen (line 56)
Error in pdeParabolicInfo (line 14)
obj=obj.checkFuncDepen(u0, tlist);
Error in parabolic (line 41)
Error in TimeVaryBC (line 46)
u = parabolic(u0,tlist,b,p,e,t,c,a,f,d);