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Threshold ranges to BW image

6 views (last 30 days)
Syed Islam
Syed Islam on 21 Jul 2013
Commented: Ahmed on 21 Nov 2014
I have a black and white image, and I am wanting to apply three different thresholds of 105-168, 170-200, and 120-140 to calculate the surface area coverage of three different sections within the image.
Could you please tell me how I could achieve this, in terms of the code or a link where I cold read up on this?
Thanks in advance

Accepted Answer

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 21 Jul 2013
Try this:
binaryImage1 = grayImage >= 105 & grayImage <= 168;
binaryImage2 = grayImage >= 170 & grayImage <= 200;
binaryImage3 = grayImage >= 120 & grayImage <= 140;
areaFraction1 = sum(binaryImage1(:)) / numel(grayImage);
areaFraction2 = sum(binaryImage2(:)) / numel(grayImage);
areaFraction3 = sum(binaryImage3(:)) / numel(grayImage);
Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 21 Nov 2014
The 224 subplot (lower right) looks like a binary image so the histogram will have only bins for 0 and 1. You can use imhist(). Not sure why you want it though.
Ahmed on 21 Nov 2014
oh, gosh. u r right. i'm not sure also. tq!

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