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Combined stacked and multi-bar barchart

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Claudius Rosendahl
Claudius Rosendahl on 27 Apr 2021
Closed: Claudius Rosendahl on 12 May 2021
I have three data columns (Y(:,1:3)) and their corresponding errors (Y(:,4:6)). What I want is Y(:,1) grouped with a stacked bar of Y(:,2:3).
The following code creates the attached plot.
b = bar(2:2:40,Y(:,1:3),'FaceColor','flat','EdgeColor','none');
b(1).FaceColor = [0 0 0];
b(2).FaceColor = [0.9 0 0];
b(3).FaceColor = [0 0.7 0];
hold on
errorbar(X(:,1),Y(:,1),Y(:,4),'LineStyle','none','Color',[0.6 0.6 0.6]);
hold off
So I want the green bar on top of the red bar (if green > 0, otherwise green bar below zero as usual). Repositioning the error bars is not a problem.
Is there any way to cleanly group stacked bars? I guess I could figure out some workaround by adding multiple bar plots together, but that seems messy and very time intensive....
(using Matlab 2020b)
Claudius Rosendahl
Claudius Rosendahl on 27 Apr 2021
"It's not clear to me where you want the green bar placed if <0???"
Sorry, that was not explained well. If green < 0, the green bar should be below the y=0 line, while the red bar stays where it is.
I don't mind switching red and green to make this work (e.g. green at the bottom, red above), that would not be a problem.
"Most of the time, you end up plotting one or the other (or both) with missing value placeholders [...]"
Well so it is just as I thought: no easy solution possible :-/
Thanks for the comment!
dpb on 27 Apr 2021
I was asking if you wanted the green and red stacked or still wanted a third bar if green <0.
If just use 'stacked' for those two columns, the negative values will still be below the y axis, just not offset horizontally from the red.

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