How to read every nth line with textscan
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I have a very large data file (.dat), and I cannot read it all with textscan. I get 'Out of memory' error.
It is not necessary for me to import all of the data into MATLAB, I would like to read every nth line to get a sample of the data, and reduce the memory required.
I have found some solutions already posted, but none are working in my case. I think because I am using a '.dat' file, and the data is imported as strings (the reason is the decimal used in the data is a comma, so I must read it as a string, then convert comma to decimal, then change to double).
Here is what I am trying:
d = fopen('TempMessung.dat');
while ~feof(d)
B = textscan(d, '%s %s %s', 1, 'headerlines', 5);
for i=1:2
So this code should skip 5 headerlines, read 1 line from the file into B, then go into the for loop and skip 2 lines, then return to textscan to read one line into B.
Running this code, I get the results that B is a 1x3 cell. B{1} contains just the last row data point from the 1st column B{2} contains just the last row data point from the 2nd column B{3} contains just the last row data point from the 3rd column
Here is a few sample rows from my data:
Datenerfassung Zeit: 2002,1694 Sec 01.03.2012 10:46:40
Zeit 25 KN-R Zähler In_12_Temp
Sec cycles deg_C
0,40966797 0 22,226631
0,60986328 0 22,125919
0,81005859 0 22,260201
1,0102539 0 22,176275
1,2104492 0 22,226631
1,4106445 0 22,276985
1,6108398 0,5 22,134312
1,8110352 0,5 22,260201
2,0112305 0,5 22,209845
2,2114258 0,5 22,125919
2,4116211 0,5 22,251808
2,6118164 0,5 22,134312
2,8120117 1 22,19306
3,012207 1 22,226631
3,2124023 1 22,083956
3,4125977 1 22,235023
3,612793 1 22,184668
3,8129883 1 22,125919
4,0131836 1 22,243416
4,2133789 1,5 22,117527
4,4135742 1,5 22,19306
4,6137695 1,5 22,226631
4,8139648 1,5 22,092348
5,0141602 1,5 22,235023
5,2143555 1,5 22,184668
5,4145508 2 22,134312
5,6147461 2 22,226631
5,8149414 2 22,109135
6,0151367 2 22,201452
6,215332 2 22,226631
6,4155273 2 22,092348
Answers (2)
on 4 Jul 2013
Edited: Guru
on 4 Jul 2013
Honestly what you are trying to do is something that doesn't need textscan to read it in. The benefit that textscan provides is the ability to quickly read in the whole file or chunks of the file at once where the formatting of the data remains the same. Low level file I/O routines would probably work better for your case, which textscan does use within itself - as any other file I/O does ultimately.
Try the following code:
m = 1;
d = fopen('TempMessung.dat');
% Skip 5 headerlines
for n=1:5
tline = fgetl(d);
while ischar(tline)
tline = fgetl(d);
A(m).data = tline;
m = m+1;
% Skip next two lines
for n=1:2
tline = fgetl(d);
After you read it all into A, you can do basic string manipulation
% Preallocate B to a cell array
B = cell(length(A),3);
for n = 1:length(A)
% Replace the , with .
B(n,:) = strsplit(strrep(A(n).data,',','.'));
This will give you the same results as textscan that you wanted with the change of the comma to decimals. If you want this into a double array:
B = cellfun(@str2double,B);
MATLAB is so simple. HTH
1 Comment
lukacs kuslits
on 17 Nov 2016
I have tried what you suggested and I got the exception: "Conversion to cell from char is not possible." This is also the case if I try textscan.
Matt J
on 4 Jul 2013
Edited: Matt J
on 4 Jul 2013
You can fix it as follows
B(ii,1:3) = textscan(d, '%s %s %s', 1, 'headerlines', 5);
but if it is a large file, it will run very slowly.
Matt J
on 4 Jul 2013
Edited: Matt J
on 4 Jul 2013
I've lost track of what the issue is. You can call textscan chunkwise by doing
C(ithChunk) = textscan(fid, 'format', N);
where N is the number of lines per chunk. Textscan will resume from the point you left off with every subsequent call, until you close the file.
See Also
Find more on Text Files in Help Center and File Exchange
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