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what is the meaning of this line? BW = im2bw(GRAY, threshold);

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function [shape] = Classify(ImageFile)
if ndims(imread(ImageFile))>2
RGB = imread(ImageFile);
GRAY = rgb2gray(RGB);
else GRAY=imread(ImageFile); %RGB=GRAY;
threshold = graythresh(GRAY); BW = im2bw(GRAY, threshold);
%Invert the Binary Image BW = ~ BW; [~,L] = bwboundaries(BW, 'noholes');
STATS = regionprops(L,'all');
for i=1:length(STATS)
if norm([STATS(i).Extrema(2,1), STATS(i).Extrema(2,2)]-[STATS(i).Extrema(1,1), STATS(i).Extrema(1,2)])<5 %TR,TL
%can be triangle hexagon pentagon
if norm([STATS(i).Extrema(4,1), STATS(i).Extrema(4,2)]-[STATS(i).Extrema(3,1), STATS(i).Extrema(3,2)])<5 %RT,RB
%can be pentagon triangle
if norm([STATS(i).Extrema(4,1), STATS(i).Extrema(4,2)]-[STATS(i).Extrema(5,1), STATS(i).Extrema(5,2)])<5 %RT,RB,BR = Triangle
shape(i,1)=1; % Triangle
shape(i,1)=3; % Pentagon
shape(i,1) = 4; % hexagon
elseif (STATS(i).MajorAxisLength/STATS(i).MinorAxisLength<1.1 && STATS(i).Eccentricity <0.5 || (STATS(i).Solidity/STATS(i).Extent)==1)&(STATS(i).Area<0.1*numel(GRAY))
shape(i,1)=2; % Rectangle
else shape(i,1)=0; end
if ~isempty(find(shape==2)) disp('Rectangle found'); else disp('No rectangle in the image') end
what is the meaning of this line?
BW = im2bw(GRAY, threshold);

Answers (1)

Iain on 28 May 2013
That line compares your image, to a threshold, and produces an array of the same size, containing "false" where the image is less than the threshold, and "true" where it is higher than it.
If you do not recognise a function, I recommend looking it up in matlab's help rather than asking here - you'll get faster answers.


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