How to show the image slice from the below example?
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on 26 Feb 2021
Commented: Walter Roberson
on 28 Feb 2021
Hello, I want to show the image slice from the below example, where CT and SPECT both are image array with the same width, size and spacing.
% This is a part of the code
% Visualize the CT and SPECT together
for m = 1:199
CT_img = new_CT(:,:,m);
SPECT_img = SPECT(:,:,m);
final_img = imfuse(CT_img, SPECT_img);
% Visualize CT and SPECT together
imshow(final_img, [-800 1000]);
% Now, I want to see the overlapped slices one by one, so I want somethig like:
show_20th_slice = imshow(final_img(:,:,20)) %...>> but this says: "Index in position 3 exceeds array bounds (must not exceed 3)."
How can I do this?
Accepted Answer
Walter Roberson
on 26 Feb 2021
% This is a part of the code
% Visualize the CT and SPECT together
for m = 1:199
CT_img = new_CT(:,:,m);
SPECT_img = SPECT(:,:,m);
final_img(:,:,:,m) = imfuse(CT_img, SPECT_img);
% Visualize CT and SPECT together
imshow(final_img(:,:,:,m), [-800 1000]);
% Now, I want to see the overlapped slices one by one, so I want somethig like:
show_20th_slice = imshow(final_img(:,:,:,20))
I am not sure at the moment why you are getting back color images instead of grayscale, but your error message would have been different if you were getting back grayscale.
Walter Roberson
on 28 Feb 2021
im1 = imread('cameraman.tif');
im2 = rgb2gray(imread('flamingos.jpg'));
im2 = imresize(im2, size(im1));
fused_by_function = imfuse(im1, im2);
fused_manually = cat(3, im2, im1, im2);
title('manual fuse')
max(abs(double(fused_by_function(:)) - double(fused_manually(:))))
We can see from this that imfuse(A,B) is effectively the same as putting B into the red and blue panes and A into the green pane.
And that in turn tells us that using a different colormap would not be easy, because it is not really "calculating" a color for each pixel, and is more "just letting it happen". So you would need a quite different approach.
Perhaps something like:
alpha = 0.7;
cmap1 = gray(256);
cmap2 = jet(256);
im1rgb = ind2rgb(im1, cmap1);
im2rgb = ind2rgb(im2, cmap2);
blended = alpha * im1rgb + (1-alpha) * im2rgb;
imshow(im1rgb); title('image1 recolored');
imshow(im2rgb); title('image2 recolored');
imshow(blended); title('blended')
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