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Identify an array of arbitrary minimum values. Alternatives to min / find ?

4 views (last 30 days)
I would like to identify the occurences (index) of an arbitrary value within a Vector. The values I wish to identify will be close to but may not be exactly equal to this value.
For example having obtained the vector [Vector,t] = lsim(G,u,t) I would like to identify those points where the Vector assumedly intersects a horizontal line of given amplitude plot([X1 X2],[Y1 Y1])
I can obtain the first value quite simply with something along the lines of
[index value] = min(abs(abs(Vector) - abs(arbitrary_value)))
The find function is of some assitance however it requires that the arbitrary value equals the value of an element within the Vector exactly. Hence Idxs = find(A==MinValue) does not return a value within proximity of the intersection (or any point for that matter)
I thought I might be able to scrape by with a for loop i.e.
for i = 1:length(Vector)
if (Vector(i) - arbitrary_value) < tolerance
index(k) = i;
Value(k) = y(i);
k = k+1;
however it is far from an attractive or precise solution.
Any suggestions would be welcome.

Accepted Answer

Andrei Bobrov
Andrei Bobrov on 18 Apr 2013
Edited: Andrei Bobrov on 18 Apr 2013
tolerance = 1e-3;
ii = abs(Vector - arbitrary_value) < tolerance;
Value = Vector(ii);
index = find(ii);
ADD variant
t = vin - av;
idx = cellfun(@(x)strfind(sign(t(:).'),x),{0,[-1 1],[1 -1]},'un',0);
x0 = bsxfun(@plus,[idx{2:end}],(0:1)');
[~,ii] = min(abs(t(x0)));
iout = sort([[idx{1}],x0(sub2ind(size(x0),ii,1:size(x0,2)))]);
index = vin(iout);

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