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Errors in Battery simulator

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Nuno on 11 May 2011
I am trying to create this circuit as an example of "ssc_battery_management"... My circuit is this:
But i have had some difficulties, as the erros like: "Error setting parameter 'Main branch time constant, Tau1>0': Expected a single string or a cell array of strings." "Error setting parameter 'Resistance, R10': '0' is not a valid unit."
Someone can help me?
Arnaud Miege
Arnaud Miege on 11 May 2011
You forgot to include the Simscape library files used to model the battery cell. I assume you must have a directory called +LeadAcidBattery with the source files for the R0, R1, R2, etc... Right now, the model won't run because it can't find those files. Can you upload those as well?
Nuno on 11 May 2011
Ok... Files added:

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Answers (3)

Arnaud Miege
Arnaud Miege on 11 May 2011
I can't run the model Celula.mdl, I get an error message similar to:
Failed to find 'Main Branch Capacitance, C1/Slave_input.R1' in library 'LeadAcidBattery_lib' referenced by 'Celula/Condensador C1/Slave_input.R1'
I am not sure what you did to break it, but what you need to do is generate the LeadAcidBattery_lib by running ssc_build LeadAcidBattery and then use the blocks from the generated library file into the model to replace the existing ones.
I can't run the other models either because I'm missing the file Battery_Management_Lib.mdl.
Nuno on 12 May 2011
Dont´t exist a Thermal Model in library?
Arnaud Miege
Arnaud Miege on 12 May 2011
If you look at ssc_lead_acid_battery, you'll see that in the cell model, there is a thermal model, constructed with the blocks from the Simscape foundation library.

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Nuno on 12 May 2011
Arnaud i have implemented the circuit but now it appears this error: "Unable to compile the physical network."
I already introduce the solver configuration. Waht is the error?
Nuno on 17 May 2011
I already resolve the problem... Now i create the subsystem and I added other components, but appear the same error:
Unable to compile the physical network.
I don´t understand why?
Arnaud Miege
Arnaud Miege on 17 May 2011
Again, it's difficult to comment without seeing the model. Make sure that you follow the rules in the Simscape documentation for connecting components (help browser -> Simscape -> user's guide -> Modeling physical systems) and read through the documentation to make sure you understand how the software works and how to use it properly.
I would also strongly recommend the following training course:
For these types of problems, you should also contact technical support:

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Nuno on 18 May 2011
You know if this warnigs afects the model?
Warning: The solver chosen is not recommended if the model is stiff, which is typical for models containing Simscape components. These solvers are typically preferred for Simscape models: ode23t, ode15s or ode14x (fixed-step). To disable this diagnostic, change the explicit solver diagnostic setting on the Simscape node of Configuration Parameters.
Warning: Using a default value of 0.2 for maximum step size. The simulation step size will be equal to or less than this value. You can disable this diagnostic by setting
'Automatic solver parameter selection' diagnostic to 'none' in the Diagnostics page of the configuration parameters dialog
Warning: Problems possible for transient initialization, as well as stepsize control for transient solve, due to equations of one or more components:
'ModeloBateria_testes/Subsystem1/DC Voltage Source'
'ModeloBateria_testes/Subsystem1/Electrical Reference'
'ModeloBateria_testes/Subsystem1/Main Branch Capacitance, C1'
  1 Comment
Arnaud Miege
Arnaud Miege on 18 May 2011
Again, you should really read the documentation, in particular "Setting Up Solvers for Physical Models" ( and "Customizing Solvers for Physical Models" (

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