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Cannot re-open Simulink model containing Drive Cycle Source

2 views (last 30 days)
I'm having trouble opening a .slx Simulink model containing a Drive Cycle Source Block, from the Powertrain Blockset. Once saved and closed, double-clicking the model to open it again results in a complete freeze of Simulink, infinite Windows blue circle loading symbol.
The settings are the following:
Windows 10, MATLAB R2020b Update 3
Drive Cycle Source block (any cycle), sample time 0.001 sec
Fixed-step auto Solver
Any help would be greatly appreciated
  1 Comment
Nicholas Book
Nicholas Book on 13 Jan 2021
I have done some testing and the problem seems to be the Drive Cycle Source sample time. As soon as I set a sample period <1 sec, the model gets stuck in loading once I try to re-open it.
What is causing this ?

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Answers (1)

Chaitanya Mallela
Chaitanya Mallela on 3 Feb 2021
I have brought the issue to the notice of our developers. They will investigate the matter further.


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