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Abaqus input file edit as required by user

6 views (last 30 days)
RAKESH KUMAR TOTA on 10 Jan 2021
Commented: KSSV on 10 Jan 2021
Hi, I need to edit abaqus input file where nodes and element data to be started from first character of each line and also there should be an empty line after node data and after element data. Also there should be gap of only one character between each node and element data line. Any help is highly appreciated.I here by attached abaqus input txt file. Thank you in advance.

Answers (1)

KSSV on 10 Jan 2021
RAKESH KUMAR TOTA on 10 Jan 2021
Thank you for update. Actually i just need to edit the abaqus input file no need to extract node and element. The code is available to extract node and elements, but it will work only exactly when the above posed question format to be fullfilled. Any help in this direction would be beneficial to me. Thank you.
KSSV on 10 Jan 2021
you see the given code and try to extend to your needs.

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