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Plot 4D data of type double

3 views (last 30 days)
Rudy Steel
Rudy Steel on 22 Dec 2020
Answered: Cris LaPierre on 22 Dec 2020
I have a set of data '(:,:,1,1) -> (:,:,1280,1)' up till '(:,:,1,10) -> (:,:,1280,10)' (So I have ten trials).
I am not sure how I can plot this data as I always dealt with 2D/3D data.
Any suggestions?

Accepted Answer

Cris LaPierre
Cris LaPierre on 22 Dec 2020
There is no 4D plot. You will need to do something to represent your 4D data in 2 or 3 dimensions. The most obvious thing to do is create a 3D plot for each of your trials. However, what is best is highly dependent on your data and your domain.
Most important is to create a figure that is meaningful. Perhaps with a little creativity and domain knowledge, you can find a good way to process the data so that it can be shown in 2/3D.

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