How to add several interfaces in one interface of MATLAB GUI
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Hi Actually I want to add different element in one GUI interface and by clicking different element different interfaces will be appeared for different calculation and will give different transfer matrices those will be calculated together by pressing pushbutton. Please if anybody have any idea tell me as I am trying from many days but don't know how to do it. Thanks to all
Accepted Answer
Mark Whirdy
on 22 Feb 2013
Edited: Mark Whirdy
on 23 Feb 2013
What is an "element", you mean a "uiobject" (uibutton, uitable etc?)?
Happy to help, but you'll have to work on the question clarity a little for me.
Do you want to create uicontrols programmatically when certain values are selected in other uicontrols?
In this case you'll need to put uicontrol() commands inside the callbacks of your "parent"/controlling uiobjects.
I'm afraid I can't describe the entire process of GUI-design here (which is really what your question requires) so it will be a case of doing a lot of background reading on your, unless you have a very specific task you want to achieve.
Broadly, your options are 1) use GUIDE to drag & drop objects into a figure 2) use the uicontrol() to generate uiobjects in a figure programmatically
In both cases you will then put code into the callbacks which changes the properties of the objects (the values in textboxes) when events are triggered (i.e. the user pushes a button)
If you want to make a group of objects appear & disappear then create them inside a uipanel (their parent should be the panel) and make the panel visible/invisible by
You can put this command inside the callback of a pushbutton (for example) to facilitate control of the panel.
I'd suggest that you play around with this stuff a little and come back to the Matlab Answers if you hit a specific hurdle along the way.
More Answers (2)
Lalit Patil
on 23 Feb 2013
uicontrol( 'Style', 'push', 'Position', [20 190 250 30],'fontsize',10,'string','Your GUI name', 'Callback',@(src, event) GUI name() );
Write this script below opening function.. and at place Your GUI name write the name of that gui which you want to open..
per isakson
on 25 Feb 2013
Edited: per isakson
on 25 Feb 2013
- uitab and uitabgroup (Matlab functions with hidden documentation - open the files)
- Tab panels – uitab and relatives
- TabPanel Constructor v2.8 (2010)
- search the File Exchange for more
- uitabpanel
See Also
Find more on Migrate GUIDE Apps in Help Center and File Exchange
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