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any one facing problems with arduino support packages with ubuntu and arduino uno ?

3 views (last 30 days)
The matlab program recognizes the presence of usb port dev/ttyACM0 but it can not upload the code to the board giving an error that the board is not found and make sure the connections are right. Does anybody has a solution please ? thanks in advance. i am using matlab 2018b with ubuntu 20.0.4
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Rohan Kale
Rohan Kale on 1 Oct 2020
Hi Ahmed Soliman,
Can you try programming the board from the Arduino IDE. The IDE can be found at the path which is returned by the command -
>> arduinoio.IDERoot
If this fails, the issue could be with the board or usb port.
Moreover, you can use the TraceOn option to display the debug messages. These messages can be useful in debugging or narrow down the issue with the flashing the board. The command construct is as follows:
>> a = arduino('/dev/ttyACM0', 'Uno', 'TraceOn', true)
Hope it helps.

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