Problem about Simulink with ezdsp

1 view (last 30 days)
c.m.f.s. on 2 Jan 2013
Commented: maha on 27 Aug 2014
When I want to build my program from Matlab into the ezdsp I got the following problem.
"Error: File: C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2011a\toolbox\target\extensions\processor\tic2000\blks\mex\tlc_c\c280xgpio_do.tlc Line: 23 Column: 36 The left-hand side of a . operator must be a valid scope identifier"
What can I do now? I will be very thankful to you for your reply.
Xiaoxuan Wang
Xiaoxuan Wang on 19 May 2014
I have exactly the same problem with u. Have you solved the problem? Could you please tell me the solution?
maha on 27 Aug 2014
dear i have also problem and not able to build simulink model if any one have idea please let me know

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Answers (1)

Xiaoxuan Wang
Xiaoxuan Wang on 19 May 2014
I have exactly the same problem with u. Have you solved the problem? Could you please tell me the solution?


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