How can I save multiple matrix and index them?

8 views (last 30 days)
I don't if it is even possible but I have 9 files with the same name except his number (1, ... 9) = "SiON_D6_L8.5_12Lyrs_NUMBER_CHANGE_HERE_umOfDistance_Ex.txt"
These txt files are 941x2 sized arrays. I need to open this file and find the maximum value within the values in the second column and then continue to do my accounts. The problem is that I am doing it one by one, that is, I have 9 files and I have to copy the program bellow nine times. My goal is to find the radius of the nine file and in the end I will plot the 9 radius together to compare.
Is it some way to do with a loop? Like I can index the file (1,...9) and when I want to access the file I just index it.
clear all;
file1 = load('SiON_D6_L8.5_12Lyrs_1umOfDistance_Ex.txt'); % open file
E1 = file1(:,2); % get second column
Y1 = file1(:,1); % get first column
M1 = max(E1(:)); % get max of the second column
m1 = M1*0.37;
endij1 = round(length(E1)/2);
for i1 = 1:endij1
if E1(i1) >= m1
x1(i1) = Y1(i1);
y1(i1) = E1(i1);
for j1 = endij1:length(E1)
if E1(j1) >= m1
x21(j1) = Y1(j1);
y21(j1) = E1(j1);
for d1 = 1:length(x1)
if x1(d1) ~= 0
x_data1(d1) = x1(d1);
x_data1(d1) = 1000;
a1 = min(x_data1);
b1 = max(x21);
radius1 = b1-a1; % radius 1
file2 = load('SiON_D6_L8.5_12Lyrs_2umOfDistance_Ex.txt');
E2 = file2(:,2);
Y2 = file2(:,1);
M2 = max(E2(:));
m2 = M2*0.37;
endij2 = round(length(E2)/2);
% As you can see to open the second file i'm copying the same code again but chaging the variables and file names.
Tay on 12 Aug 2020
Thanks, I used the sprintf to do it :))

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Accepted Answer

KSSV on 6 Aug 2020
txtFiles = dir("*.txt") ;
N = length(txtFiles) ;
themax = zeros(N,1) ;
% loop for each file
for i = 1:N
data = importdata(txtFiles(i).name) ; % read the data
iwant(i) = max(data(:,2)) ; % get the max of second column of data
KSSV on 7 Aug 2020
E(i) = data(:,2);
The above is are saving a column,so LHS should be a matrix.
E(:,i) = data(:,2);
The above will work. It is advised to initiatlize the matrix before loop.

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