How to find r square in linear mixed model (fitlme)?

8 views (last 30 days)
I fit a model with fitlme function.
In my model I have both fixed and random effect. I need to find R square or similar on my model.
Please help to find rsquare. Thanks in advance

Accepted Answer

Star Strider
Star Strider on 21 Jul 2020
According to the documentation for LinearMixedModelClass, specifically Rsquared, it appears to be available.
See if:
Rsq = mdl.Rsquared;
reveals it. There should be two results, so you need to choose the one that is most appropriate for your application.
PRB on 19 Sep 2023
Just wondering whether r-squared values reflect the proportion of total variance explained by both the fixed and random effects, or just fixed effect?
Star Strider
Star Strider on 19 Sep 2023
The documentation on Rsquared seems to be slilent on that, although it seems to be fixed efects.
The fixedEffects and randomEffects objects have the relevant statistics on each. (This is the R2023b documentation, and there could be version differencces. I haven’t explored fitlme recently.)

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