Phase Rotation in Communication System

3 views (last 30 days)
Thomas Schütz
Thomas Schütz on 2 Jul 2020
Commented: Robert U on 2 Jul 2020
I have the following question:
I want to implement a radar system, which can measure the direction of arrival of a transmitted signal by collecting the different arrived phases at the receivers. How is it possible to implement a channel where phase rotation of the transmitted signal happens ? I tried the "Free Space Channel", but it seems like that the signal just arrives with a delay but without a phase rotation.
Thanks in advance.
Thomas Schütz
Thomas Schütz on 2 Jul 2020
Hi Robert,
Thank you for your answer. What do you exactly mean with "analytical models"? Do you have a specific example for a system where the signal travels over free space?
Best regards,
Robert U
Robert U on 2 Jul 2020
Hi Thomas,
I don't have a specific model because that depends on your problem. Your question does not contain any information about how you want to undergo your problem. Are you using Simulink or Matlab functions, what model are you using? What have you tried so far.
I tried to answer your question generally, that phase shifts can be taken into account using complex number representation of your signal. That is quite common.
In case you share more information you might receive a more specific answer to your problem.
Kind regards,

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