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Project Thermostat in Task 5 in Simuink ORAMP

48 views (last 30 days)
i am not able to complete the below diagrma inspite of doing the same as solution .
This is the task5 of the simulation orma p Project Thermostat.
need help over the same
Anchal  Totla
Anchal Totla on 2 Jun 2022
Edited: Anchal Totla on 2 Jun 2022
This same thing is happening to me also.
did you findout the solution?
Abhijeet Nentabaje
Abhijeet Nentabaje on 15 Nov 2022
I think it(attached Circuit) will help you to resolve the above problem.

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Answers (1)

Harsha Priya Daggubati
Harsha Priya Daggubati on 16 Jun 2020
The block connections you made so far are in place, except there has to be connecting line between House and meas_temp. Also, I donot see any line annotations that are supposed to be made in previous steps. If the problem still persists, it would help if you can share the Review Results pane too.
Abhijeet Nentabaje
Abhijeet Nentabaje on 15 Nov 2022
I think it(attached Circuit) will help you to resolve the above problem.

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