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Data augmentation for YOLOv2 isn't work

5 views (last 30 days)
Yueh Feng Lin
Yueh Feng Lin on 29 May 2020
Commented: Bishal Paudel on 20 Jul 2021
I try to trained a YOLOv2 objectdetection network, but I encounter some problems about data preprocessing(data augmentation and resize ) before training process.
I use the support function augmentData and preprocessData providing in following example to preprocessing my trainingdata .
the code and function is below:
function B = augmentData(A)
% Apply random horizontal flipping, and random X/Y scaling. Boxes that get
% scaled outside the bounds are clipped if the overlap is above 0.25. Also,
% jitter image color.
B = cell(size(A));
I = A{1};
sz = size(I);
if numel(sz)==3 && sz(3) == 3
I = jitterColorHSV(I,...
% Randomly flip and scale image.
tform = randomAffine2d('XReflection',true,'Scale',[1 1.1]);
rout = affineOutputView(sz,tform,'BoundsStyle','CenterOutput');
B{1} = imwarp(I,tform,'OutputView',rout);
% Apply same transform to boxes.
[B{2},indices] = bboxwarp(A{2},tform,rout,'OverlapThreshold',0.25);
B{3} = A{3}(indices);
% Return original data only when all boxes are removed by warping.
if isempty(indices)
B = A;
function data = preprocessData(data,targetSize)
% Resize image and bounding boxes to the targetSize.
scale = targetSize(1:2)./size(data{1},[1 2]);
data{1} = imresize(data{1},targetSize(1:2));
data{2} = bboxresize(data{2},scale);
% data augmentation
% The trainingData is a datastore created by groundtruth object of video labeler
augmentedTrainingData = transform(trainingData,@augmentData);
% preprocess training data
inputSize=[224 224 3];
preprocessedTrainingData = transform(augmentedTrainingData,@(data)preprocessData(data,inputSize));
% Train the network
detector= trainYOLOv2ObjectDetector(preprocessedTrainingData,detector,options);
But I got a error message:
Invalid transform function defined on datastore.
The cause of the error was:
Error using bboxwarp>iParseInputs (line 324)
The value of 'bboxA' is invalid. Expected input number 1, bboxA, to be integer-valued.
Error in bboxwarp (line 81)
params = iParseInputs(bboxA,tform,ref,varargin{:});
Error in augmentData (line 23)
[B{2},indices] = bboxwarp(A{2},tform,rout,'OverlapThreshold',0.25)
Then I checked my training data and found some values of bboxes are not integer, like [ 8.8000 75.0000 39.6000 101.4000 ]
so I try to transform them to integer. However, the label data are for read only, I don’t know how deal with this problem.
Also, I make some experiments and found if I use the video labeler to create a groundtruth, some value of bboxes will not be integer.
if I use the image labeler to create a groundtruth, the value of bboxes will be integer and they can be augmented and preprocessed using the functions I mentioned above.
I think that maybe the algorithm used to automately create bbox make the value of bbox non-integer. (I used "Temporal interpolator algorithm" to label my video)
On the other hand, I read one image from the training datastore(created by video) and using the method in the following example
I want to know whether it can be preprocessed or not. The result is that I can not rotate or rescale for only one image also.
Hope someone could help me to solve this problem, Thx.

Answers (2)

Mona Al-Kharraz
Mona Al-Kharraz on 21 Jul 2020
you can try this code:
function B = augmentData(A)
% Apply random horizontal flipping, and random X/Y scaling. Boxes that get
% scaled outside the bounds are clipped if the overlap is above 0.25. Also,
% jitter image color.
B = cell(size(A));
I = A{1};
sz = size(I);
if numel(sz)==3 && sz(3) == 3
I = jitterColorHSV(I,...
% Randomly flip and scale image.
tform = randomAffine2d('XReflection',true,'Scale',[1 1.1]);
rout = affineOutputView(sz,tform,'BoundsStyle','CenterOutput');
B{1} = imwarp(I,tform,'OutputView',rout);
% Apply same transform to boxes.
[B{2},indices] = bboxwarp(boxEstimate,tform,rout,'OverlapThreshold',0.25);
B{3} = A{3}(indices);
% Return original data only when all boxes are removed by warping.
if isempty(indices)
B = A;
function data = preprocessData(data,targetSize)
scale = targetSize(1:2)./size(data{1},[1 2]);
data{1} = imresize(data{1},targetSize(1:2));
data{2} = bboxresize(boxEstimate,scale);
Bishal Paudel
Bishal Paudel on 20 Jul 2021
Thank you very much. It worked and thanks to the questionare so every one is benefitted.

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Massimo Del Guasta
Massimo Del Guasta on 7 Dec 2020
Edited: Massimo Del Guasta on 7 Dec 2020
Thank You very much Mona !!!
I replaced the @augmentData function suggested by Mathworks with your function.. and I finally receive no errors when training my Fast-RCNN with the augmented datastore. I see that the unvalid boxes I had before with the original augmentData disappeare from the augmented ds as obtained by your function. I added random rotations and translations to my Imagedatastore and it still works (original @augmentData worked for me only with X-Y mirror and color adjustments) .
I admit that , even if I am succesfully using MATLAB from the past 'century' , but being a beginner in MATLAB databases and related functions, I don't find Mathwork very helpy in this field: The explanations for many functions / properties are very very chaotic for beginners, and some of them apparently do not work going behind the Mathwork examples. As a beginner in this field, I spend much more time to adapt some ds functions etc. to my real-world-ds than training the CNNs.
Thanks again

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