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Distribuited load on flexible beams Simscape Multibody

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how can I load a generic flexible beam with a distribuited load on Simscape Multibody (instead of the traditional lumped force applied at the ends of the beam)?
Fig. 1: Example of beam with uniform distribuited load q.
Fig. 1: Example of beam with uniform distribuited load q
It is strange that Simulink does not allows to load beams with generic force distribution along the length of the beam...
Thanks and best regards, A
Alberto Mora
Alberto Mora on 20 Mar 2021
Edited: Alberto Mora on 22 Mar 2021
Hi Leon, as far as I know, at the moment the Simscape beams still allows punctual forces/moments at beam ends (please check if in the latest MATLAB release this feature is updated).
Anyhow, I think that if you are interested into evaluate only the reaction forces, you can simplify the distributed load as 1/2 punctual force at one beam end and 1/2 punctual force at the other beam end (such that the sum of the two forces as equal to the distribuite load). However, I think that the structure displacement that you get in this case will be totally wrong.
If the structure is very simple you can subject it to an acceleration to create a sort of inertial distribuite load? Not sure that it works on Simulink, but this is an idea.
Final suggestion: make simple “hand calculation” to check the numbers and relatability of your simscape model.
I’m sorry but these is my small suggestions.
[Edit: see below suggestion of MALTAB STAFF]
Leon Rinke
Leon Rinke on 22 Mar 2021
Hi Alberto,
Thanks a lot for your suggestions. Actually, the deformation is what I'm interested in. I initially did apply the forces like Juan suggested, but I was hoping for a more generic solution.
Thanks again and I hope your problem is resolved now.
Best regards.

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Accepted Answer

Juan Sagarduy
Juan Sagarduy on 22 Mar 2021
Hi Alberto
This can be done by adding the discrete nodes with help of rigid transforms.
Unfortunately, the nodes will not follow the profile of the beam exactly. But it can be a reasonable approximation.
Hope that we can expose the nodes in future releases.
Br Juan
  1 Comment
Alberto Mora
Alberto Mora on 22 Mar 2021
At the moment I am not working on it so I cannot check, but I am quite sure that it can work. I will accept your answer.
Thank you,

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