Invalid Mex file: Undefined symbol: mxrErrMsgTxt
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Michael Hadler
on 20 May 2020
Commented: James Tursa
on 28 May 2020
Hi everyone,
I've been trying to run a piece of code I downloaded from here (code below): CCG_mine
It's supposed to call a C code designed to quickly compute multiple cross-correlograms. In git, you will also find the corresponding mex-files.
I use Matlab 2020a on Ubuntu 18.04, and when calling the function I get the following error message:
"Invalid MEX-file '{path-to}/CCGHeart.mexa64': Undefined symbol: mxErrMsgTxt"
It is my understanding that mxErrMsgTxt is legacy code and shouldn't be used. However, in the code I downloaded, it's already commented out and replaced by mexErrMsgIdAndTxt. Am I missing something in the code?
/* CCGEngine.c /*
/* This is a bare-bones C program whos purpose is to compute
Multi-unit cross correlograms quickly. Not intended for
use on its own. It is designed to be wrapped by a MATLAB
TIMES ( is the name of a binary file containing N doubles giving the spike times
MARKS is the name of a binary file containing N unsigned ints giving the spike markers. Don't use zero!
BINSIZE is a number giving the size of the ccg bins in TIMES units
HALFBINS is the number of bins to compute - so there are a total of nBins = 1+2*HALFBINS bins
These should be: double, uint32,double,uint32
NB The spikes MUST be sorted.
CCG contains unsigned ints containing the counts in each bin
It is like a 3d array, indexed by [nBins*nMarks*Mark1 + nBins*Mark2 + Bin]
PAIRS contains the spike numbers of every pair of spikes included in the ccg.
If you think this program is anal, you're right. Use the MATLAB wrapper instead.
#include "mex.h"
#include "matrix.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#define CHECK
#define STRLEN 10000
#define PAIRBLOCKSIZE 100000000
unsigned int *Pairs;
unsigned int PairCnt, PairSz;
void AddPair(unsigned int n1, unsigned int n2) {
unsigned int *pui;
if (PairSz==0) {
/* mexPrintf("Allocating pair memory\n"); */
Pairs = mxMalloc(PAIRBLOCKSIZE*sizeof(unsigned int));
if (!Pairs) {
/*mxErrMsgTxt("Could not allocate memory for pairs");*/
mexErrMsgIdAndTxt("someerror", "Could not allocate memory for pairs");
/* check if array is full, if so add more memory*/
if(PairCnt>=PairSz) {
/* mexPrintf("Reallocating pair memory ... ");
pui = mxRealloc(Pairs, PairSz);
mexPrintf("got %x\n", pui);
if (!pui) {
mxErrMsgTxt("Could not reallocate memory for pairs");
Pairs = pui;
/*mxErrMsgTxt("Too many pairs");*/
mexErrMsgIdAndTxt("someerror", "Too many pairs");
Pairs[PairCnt++] = n1;
Pairs[PairCnt++] = n2;
void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[] ) {
unsigned int nSpikes, nMarks, HalfBins, nBins, i, CountArraySize, CountIndex;
double *Times;
double BinSize, FurthestEdge;
unsigned int *Marks, Mark, *Count;
unsigned int CenterSpike, Mark1, Mark2, Bin;
int SecondSpike; /* we want to let it go negative so we can stop it there... */
double Time1, Time2;
char errstr[STRLEN];
/* global variables are not initialized on each call to mex fn!! */
PairCnt = 0; PairSz = 0;
if (nrhs!=4) {
/*mxErrMsgTxt("Must have 4 arguments\nBut listen: You don't want to use this program.\nUse the MATLAB wrapper function CCG instead.\n");*/
mexErrMsgIdAndTxt("someerror", "Must have 4 arguments\nBut listen: You don't want to use this program.\nUse the MATLAB wrapper function CCG instead.\n");
if (mxGetClassID(prhs[0])!=mxDOUBLE_CLASS || mxGetClassID(prhs[1])!=mxUINT32_CLASS
|| mxGetClassID(prhs[2])!=mxDOUBLE_CLASS || mxGetClassID(prhs[3])!=mxUINT32_CLASS ) {
/*mxErrMsgTxt("Arguments are wrong type\n");*/
mexErrMsgIdAndTxt("someerror", "Arguments are wrong type\n");
/* get arguments */
Times = mxGetPr(prhs[0]);
Marks = (unsigned int *) mxGetPr(prhs[1]);
nSpikes = mxGetNumberOfElements(prhs[0]);
if (mxGetNumberOfElements(prhs[1])!=nSpikes) {
/*mxErrMsgTxt("Number of marks ~= number of spikes");*/
mexErrMsgIdAndTxt("someerror", "Number of marks ~= number of spikes");
BinSize = mxGetScalar(prhs[2]);
HalfBins = (unsigned int) mxGetScalar(prhs[3]);
/* derive other constants */
nBins = 1+2*HalfBins;
FurthestEdge = BinSize * (HalfBins + 0.5);
/* count nMarks */
nMarks = 0;
for(i=0; i<nSpikes; i++) {
Mark = Marks[i];
if (Mark>nMarks) nMarks = Mark;
if (Mark==0) {
/*mxErrMsgTxt("CCGEngine: No zeros allowed in Marks");*/
mexErrMsgIdAndTxt("someerror", "CCGEngine: No zeros allowed in Marks");
/* allocate output array */
CountArraySize = nMarks * nMarks * nBins;
plhs[0] = mxCreateNumericMatrix(CountArraySize, 1, mxUINT32_CLASS, mxREAL);
Count = (unsigned int *) mxGetPr(plhs[0]);
if (!Times || !Marks || !Count) {
/*mxErrMsgTxt("CCGEngine could not allocate memory!\n");*/
mexErrMsgIdAndTxt("someerror", "CCGEngine could not allocate memory!\n");
/* Now the main program .... */
for(CenterSpike=0; CenterSpike<nSpikes; CenterSpike++) {
Mark1 = Marks[CenterSpike];
Time1 = Times[CenterSpike];
/* Go back from CenterSpike */
for(SecondSpike=CenterSpike-1; SecondSpike>=0; SecondSpike--) {
Time2 = Times[SecondSpike];
/* check if we have left the interesting region */
if(fabs(Time1 - Time2) > FurthestEdge) break;
/* calculate bin */
Bin = HalfBins + (int)(floor(0.5+(Time2-Time1)/BinSize));
Mark2 = Marks[SecondSpike];
CountIndex = nBins*nMarks*(Mark1-1) + nBins*(Mark2-1) + Bin;
#ifdef CHECK
if (CountIndex<0 || CountIndex >= CountArraySize) {
sprintf(errstr, "err a: t1 %f t2 %f m1 %d m2 %d Bin %d, index %d out of bounds",
Time1, Time2, Mark1, Mark2, Bin, CountIndex);
mexErrMsgIdAndTxt("someerror", errstr);
/* increment count */
if (nlhs>=2) AddPair(CenterSpike, SecondSpike);
/* Now do the same thing going forward... */
for(SecondSpike=CenterSpike+1; SecondSpike<nSpikes; SecondSpike++) {
Time2 = Times[SecondSpike];
/* check if we have left the interesting region */
if(fabs(Time1 - Time2) >= FurthestEdge) break;
/* calculate bin */
Bin = HalfBins + (unsigned int)(floor(0.5+(Time2-Time1)/BinSize));
Mark2 = Marks[SecondSpike];
CountIndex = nBins*nMarks*(Mark1-1) + nBins*(Mark2-1) + Bin;
#ifdef CHECK
if (CountIndex<0 || CountIndex >= CountArraySize) {
sprintf(errstr, "err b: t1 %f t2 %f m1 %d m2 %d Bin %d, index %d out of bounds",
Time1, Time2, Mark1, Mark2, Bin, CountIndex);
mexErrMsgIdAndTxt("someerror", errstr);
/* increment count */
if (nlhs>=2) AddPair(CenterSpike, SecondSpike);
if (nlhs>=2) {
plhs[1] = mxCreateNumericMatrix(PairCnt, 1, mxUINT32_CLASS, mxREAL);
memcpy(mxGetPr(plhs[1]), (void *)Pairs, PairCnt*sizeof(unsigned int));
/* sayonara */
Accepted Answer
James Tursa
on 22 May 2020
Edited: James Tursa
on 22 May 2020
All of the mxGetErrMsg references have been commented out in your posted code, so that is not the problem. I would guess that you are inadvertently running a mex routine that you downloaded ... i.e. compiled with the mxGetErrMsg references in it. Try this and see what function you are actually running:
which CCGEngine
You should get rid of the compiled mex routines you downloaded, or at least move them somewhere out of your path and out of your working directory.
James Tursa
on 28 May 2020
In every source code file that uses a function or type defined in string.h, you need to include it before the compiler sees those functions or types. In your case, every source file that uses memset( ) or memcpy( ) needs this line, usually at the top of the file:
#include <string.h>
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