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Is it possible for me to get the answer of certain line in a function?

2 views (last 30 days)
Hi everyone. Can i know, is it possible to me to get the answer of certain line in this function? Now I want to check the answer for the line 'signal_interp.' can comeone help me. thanks in advance ya!
function [state]=makestatelocal(signal,hc,n_dim,delay)
%% check for inputs
if nargin <= 3
delay = 10;
%% time
signal_new = signal(hc(1):hc(end));
t_new = 1:length(signal_new);
t_interp = (1:n_samples)/n_samples*t_new(end);
signal_interp = interp1(t_new,signal_new,t_interp,'spline');
Rik on 22 Apr 2020
You can set a breakpoint on that line to pause execution, or you can add the variable as an ouput. Is either of those what you mean?
redroses on 22 Apr 2020
yeayyy, I already add the variable as an output. and it works! thanks a lot! how to accept your answer ya?

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Accepted Answer

Rik on 22 Apr 2020
Moved from comment:
You can set a breakpoint on that line to pause execution, or you can add the variable as an ouput.

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