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How is accelerometer and gyroscope noise calculated from datasheet of MPU9250 in the below example?

14 views (last 30 days)
So I found this very useful link to implement MPU9250 with arduino:
However, I have doubts regarding how the accelerometer and gyroscope noise calculated from the datasheet (as mentioned in the link).
If anyone knows how these values are calculated, kindly explain.

Accepted Answer

Pujitha Narra
Pujitha Narra on 9 Sep 2019
Hi Rakhi,
The accelerometer and gyroscope values given in the datasheet for MPU-9250 are rms values. The GyroscopeNoiseMPU9250 and AccelerometerNoiseMPU9250 are calculated as follows:
RMS Noise of Gyroscope= 0.1⁰/s-rms
=0.00174533 rad/s-rms
Deviation of Noise= =3.0462e-06 rad/s= GyroscopeNoiseMPU9250
RMS noise of Accelerometer = 8 mg-rms
=8e-3*9.8 meter/-rms
= 0.0784 meter/-rms
Deviation of Noise = = 0.0061 meter/= AccelerometerNoiseMPU9250

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More Answers (1)

fatima zohra soussi
fatima zohra soussi on 12 Aug 2020
Edited: fatima zohra soussi on 12 Aug 2020
can you give me this model please because i also want to simulate gyroscope/Accelerometer in simulink , the link is not work thank you
  1 Comment
Diarmaid Cualain
Diarmaid Cualain on 16 Sep 2020
I assume that they are referencing here:

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