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How to compare two complex numbers?

15 views (last 30 days)
Sarath S
Sarath S on 18 Aug 2019
Edited: Bruno Luong on 18 Aug 2019
I am trying to implement Muller's method for computing the complex root of a polynomial.
Here r1,r2 could be complex in nature.
How do i compare r1 and r2. r1 >= r2 doesnt seem to be working. I have read elsewhere that > operator compares only the real part of the complex number. Is this true?
Bruno Luong
Bruno Luong on 18 Aug 2019
Edited: Bruno Luong on 18 Aug 2019
Then use
abs(r1) < abs(r2)
You notice this is NOT the same than r1 < r2 even for real numbers.
If you apply the first definition with r1=-4 and r2=2 it returns FALSE, which is kind of not comfortable to believe.
In fact there is no order relation for complex numbers.
TMW decides to implement a order relation on complex field that is extended from real number ordering, but rarely pertinent for application.
Sarath S
Sarath S on 18 Aug 2019
Okay. Thank you. I'll just go with one of the roots instead of comparing them.

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