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How to use textscan on a cell array without a loop?

22 views (last 30 days)
Hi everyone!
So, I have a structure with multiple fields. One of the fields I filled with strings from multiple, fairly large text files (~100,000 lines), and it is now a cell array. Here's the layout of the structure, and a sample of mystruct.out.
mystruct =
1×5 struct array with fields:
mystruct.out =
{'%ACCDA,50,123.99,W,07512.001,E,2,11,2.2,1002.2,Z,,,,*22' }
{'%ACCDA,50,123.99,W,04412.001,E,2,11,2.2,1002.2,Z,,,,*20' }
{'%ACCDA,50,123.99,W,07112.001,E,2,11,2.2,1002.2,Z,,,,*2A' }
{'%ACCDA,50,123.99,W,08512.001,E,2,11,2.2,1002.2,Z,,,,*2E' }
{'%ACCDA,50,123.99,W,06512.001,E,2,11,2.2,1002.2,Z,,,,*2B' }
I want to avoid using a loop to perform the following, but I haven't been able to figure out how to do so on a mass scale without a loop.
I want to be able to use textscan, or some other method, to store the delimited strings into a new cell array, inside of an new mystruct field (like *** below)
Note: 'ii' is an index I'm using in a separate loop, but it's irrelevant to this issue.
for nlr = 1:mystruct(ii).size
fields = textscan(mystruct(ii).out{nlr},'%s','delimiter',',');
***(e.g. store into mystruct(ii).split(nlr))
How can I use textscan, or some other method, to "vectorize" the above loop?
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 17 Aug 2019
I am a little confused about the sizes involved. Your show a 1x5 struct array, and 5 example output lines, but imply that there are more. Is it that case that mystruct(K).out is a 1 x 1 cell array containing a character vector for any given K? Or is mystruct(K).out an N x 1 cell array containing character vectors for any given K? If mystruct(K).out is an N x 1 cell array of character vectors, then should the data for each be processed separately, or can it all be put together into one big array ?
rbme17 on 17 Aug 2019
Edited: rbme17 on 17 Aug 2019
Hi Walter, sorry for the confusion.
The size of the structure varies, but in this case it could be expanded like so:
mystruct(1) =
filename: some value
out: Nx1 array
size: some value
mystruct(2) = ... etc.
mystruct(K).out is an Nx1 cell array
I'm hoping to process each line of mystruct(K).out, from 1:N, and store it in the new structure field but without using a loop. Does that make more sense, or should I rephrase?

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Accepted Answer

rbme17 on 20 Aug 2019
Edited: rbme17 on 20 Aug 2019
Ok, so I actually ended up figuring something out that doesn't require textscan. I used the function 'split'.
Here's a shortened sample:
mystruct.out = {
'%ACCDA,50,123.99,W,04412.001,E,2,11,2.2,1002.2,Z,,,,*20' };
s = split(mystruct(ii).out,',',1);
s =
{'%ACCDA' } {'%ACCDA' }
{'50' } {'50' }
{'123.99' } {'123.99' }
{'W' } {'W' }
{'07512.001'} {'04412.001'}
{'E' } {'E' }
{'2' } {'2' }
{'11' } {'11' }
{'2.2' } {'2.2' }
{'1002.2' } {'1002.2' }
{'Z' } {'Z' }
{0×0 char } {0×0 char }
{0×0 char } {0×0 char }
{0×0 char } {0×0 char }
{'*22' } {'*20' }
Sorry if I wasn't clear enough in what I was asking, I was able to accomplish what I needed too so thank you all for your help!

More Answers (2)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 17 Aug 2019
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 20 Aug 2019
textscan can process a character vector that has embedded newline characters, treating each as a separate line. The processing is quite efficient. This permits you to parse and convert each column of your input without having to loop sscanf or textscan over the cell entries. Give it a try.
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 20 Aug 2019
mystruct.out = [{'%ACCDA,50,123.99,W,07512.001,E,2,11,2.2,1002.2,Z,,,,*22' }
{'%ACCDA,50,123.99,W,04412.001,E,2,11,2.2,1002.2,Z,,,,*20' }
{'%ACCDA,50,123.99,W,07112.001,E,2,11,2.2,1002.2,Z,,,,*2A' }
{'%ACCDA,50,123.99,W,08512.001,E,2,11,2.2,1002.2,Z,,,,*2E' }
{'%ACCDA,50,123.99,W,06512.001,E,2,11,2.2,1002.2,Z,,,,*2B' }];
S = strjoin(mystruct.out, '\n');
fields_cell = textscan(S, '%s%f%f%s%f%s%f%f%f%f%s%s%s%s%s', 'Delimiter', ',');
ans =

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per isakson
per isakson on 17 Aug 2019
Am I on the right track? Run
mystruct.out = {
'%ACCDA,50,123.99,W,06512.001,E,2,11,2.2,1002.2,Z,,,,*2B' };
chr = strjoin( mystruct.out, '\n' );
cac = textscan( chr, repmat('%s',1,15), 'Delimiter',',' );
Inspect the result
>> cac{1}
ans =
5×1 cell array
>> cac{3}
ans =
5×1 cell array
>> cac{15}
ans =
5×1 cell array
Don't you want to convert the numeric fields to double?
  1 Comment
rbme17 on 20 Aug 2019
This was very close to what I needed. I ended up figuring out another way that worked well for me. Thanks!

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