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how can i ask the user for 2*2 matrix

2 views (last 30 days)
mat geek
mat geek on 21 Apr 2019
Commented: madhan ravi on 21 Apr 2019
I am trying to let the user enter input in matrix form
matr = input ('enter values in matrix form [a,b; c,d]');
but how can I make sure that the user input 2 columns only but whatver rows. I am new to manipulating array and matrix.

Answers (1)

madhan ravi
madhan ravi on 21 Apr 2019
Edited: madhan ravi on 21 Apr 2019
if size(matr,2)>2
disp('Has more than 2 Columns beware!')
mat geek
mat geek on 21 Apr 2019
thank you. Can you explain what are the arguments for the size?
madhan ravi
madhan ravi on 21 Apr 2019
matr represents the input matrix data and 2 represents the number of columns , reading the documentation of size() will clear things for you.
doc size % in command window
help size

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