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Can't reload 'C:\Progra​mFiles\MAT​LAB\R2018b​\bin\win64​\sl_graphi​cal_classe​s.dll'

2 views (last 30 days)
I've updated to matlab2018 recently (before I had 2017a) and I get the following error:
Error using trainingOptions (line 265)
The value of 'ValidationData' is invalid. An error occurred while trying to
determine whether "readData" is a function name.
Error in training_Nov_2018_96p4_modern (line 42)
options = trainingOptions('adam',...
Caused by:
Can't reload 'C:\Program
before the update the script was running well.
my computer is not a Dell device.
yz yang
yz yang on 9 Feb 2019
I have updated ‘MATLAB_R2018b_v9.5.0.1033004_Update_2’,then shown this mistake.
I tried to uninstall the programme,but uninstall process shown mistake,I can not uninstall normally,I was forced to delete the MATLAB from my hard disk.

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Answers (1)

yz yang
yz yang on 3 Feb 2019


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