:cell matrix: transfering the second element of a row to the second element of the next row

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Dear all,
I have the following problem I have a cell matrix A where the first 2 columns are
[1x28 char] [ NaN]
[ NaN] [ NaN]
[ NaN] [ NaN]
[1x26 char] 'CGATE'
' POPUIZE' [1x30 char]
[1x26 char] 'SEDYNE'
' CONSIZE' [1x21 char]
My goal is the following:
IF the first element of a row is ‘MAR’ then transfer the second element of the same row to the second element of the next row.
For instance, rows 3 and 4 should become
Similarly for the last 2 rows that should be transformed to
the other rows must remain untransformed
Sabbas on 9 Jul 2012
sorry Simon. you are right. What I get is the folowing error
Error using ==> cell.ismember at 28
Input must be cell arrays of strings.

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Accepted Answer

Jan on 9 Jul 2012
Edited: Jan on 9 Jul 2012
C = {'Any string', NaN; ...
NaN, NaN; ...
'MAR', 'EECE'; ...
NaN, NaN; ...
'Another unknown string', 'CGATE'; ...
' CONSISIZE', 'COLG 75ML'; ...
' POPUIZE', 'no idea what this is'; ...
'Any string with 26 chars', 'SEDYNE'; ...
' CONSIZE', 'A string with 21 chars'; ...
'MAR', 'HYPEKETS'; ...
match = find(strcmp(C(:, 1), 'MAR'));
C(match + 1, 2) = strcat({' '}, C(match, 2), {' '}, C(match + 1, 2));
You did not explain, where the spaces should come from, but I inserted them to match your example ' EECE TOOSTE'.
As you can see, fixing your example data took me more time than creating a solution.

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