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Ho we run a section code one time in Matlab function block ? In below body I dont want assigning zeros in Dout after 1st iteration. This matlab function block run 100 times and problem is it every time set zeros in dout.

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function y = ADC(u, clk, count)
%function y = fcn(u, clk)
% if clk==1
% disp('hello');
% end
% emulation of SAR ADC operation
Nbit = 7;
Vref = 64;
VCM = Vref/2;
%dVin = (-37298:37299)/37299*Vref;
dVin = (-Point:Point)/Point*Vref;
Vip = dVin/2+VCM;
Vin = -dVin/2+VCM;
N = length(dVin);
*Dout = zeros(1,N);
B = zeros(1,Nbit);*
while k <=N
if clk==1
Vxp = Vip(k);
Vxn = Vin(k);
for kbit = 1:Nbit
if Vxp - Vxn > 0
B(kbit) = 1;
Vxp = Vxp - Vref*2^(-kbit);
B(kbit) = 0;
Vxn = Vxn - Vref*2^(-kbit);
Dout(k) = B(1)*64 + B(2)*32 + B(3)*16 + B(4)*8 + B(5)*4 + B(6)*2 + B(7)*1 -64 +0.5;
% k=k+1;
y = Dout;

Accepted Answer

Honglei Chen
Honglei Chen on 2 Oct 2018
You can make Dout persistent so it preserves the value between runs, like this
persistent Dout;
if isempty(Dout)
Dout = zeros(1,N);
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 5 Oct 2018
You should be using a triggered subsystem if the code is not to run at all when the control signal is 0.
Note: in such a case you would no longer need clk1 as an input, as the reconfigured block would only get run when clk1 was 1.

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More Answers (1)

Honglei Chen
Honglei Chen on 5 Oct 2018
Do you get an error? What is the error message? Looks like you may have some dimension issues? An alternative way is to control the calling of this block, like in a subsystem so it does not get triggered when clock is 0.
Sarfaraz Ahmed
Sarfaraz Ahmed on 6 Oct 2018
Edited: Sarfaraz Ahmed on 6 Oct 2018
Thanks. I am using this with delay but no effect it sample at same time. how can I do this so that it sample according to clock delay. I think the clock is not properly time based . I attached a snap please have a look and my sampler code below:
function Vin = sample(ip) coder.extrinsic('stem');
persistent x1;
if isempty(x1) % Initialization x1=0; end
persistent M;
if isempty(M) % Initialization M=1; end
% Sampling input signal1
f=10e3; %Frequency of sinusoid nCyl=5; %generate five cycles of sinusoid %(0:2^-6:5^-4) fs1=50e3; %50kHz sampling rate t1=0:1/fs1:nCyl*1/f; %time index size= length(t1);
%if clk1==1
while M<=size
stem(t1(M),x1); % plotting discrete samples on the input signal1
what if I use "pulstran" function and embed in subblock ? but when i use this function it shows an error "Function output 'y' cannot be an mxArray in this context. Consider preinitializing the output variable with a known type." The code for pulse is :
function y = pulse() coder.extrinsic('pulstran');
t=0:0.01:10; %Time vector w = 1; %pulse width d= w/2:w*2:10; %delay vector y2=pulstran(t,d,'rectpuls',w); subplot(2,1,1); plot(t,y2); set(gca,'Ylim',[-0.1 1.1]); xlabel('Time(s)');
I want it sample whenever clock pusle at the rising edge so when it with delays it should sample with delay. Please help me in this regard. Thanks

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