Why don't uibuttons have 'normalized' coordinates?
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Mikael Agopov
on 30 Aug 2018
Answered: Vineeth Nair
on 10 Sep 2018
The old, "Guide-type" uicontrol-buttons had the very handy 'Units','Normalized' -property, which allowed you to specify their size in normalized coordinates according to your present screen size. The new uibutton-buttons don't have this property - their size has to be given in pixels. This seems strange and inconvenient to me. Why is this so?
Accepted Answer
Vineeth Nair
on 10 Sep 2018
UI buttons made using app designer , have their units set to 'Pixels' by default. And it can't be changed. You can refer to this answer, where a workaround is given using " SizeChangedFcn ".
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