how can print every word in new line but skip printing if word is repeating..this is a sorted list of words

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close all;clear all;clc%creatiing word list with repeatation fid1=fopen('textfile.txt','r'); fid2=fopen('wordslist','w'); while ~ feof(fid1) new_line = fgetl(fid1); a=new_line; b=strsplit(a);c=[b(end) b]; c=cat(2,b(end),b); f=cat(2,c(1),(c(3:end))) fprintf(fid2, '%s\n', f{:}) end fclose(fid1); fclose(fid2); I want to sort wordlist and then print again while not print the repeating word. for example if output is like as bar yoyo same bar yoyo bar man i want output like this as bar man same yoyo thanks in advance

Answers (1)

Jan on 27 Jun 2018
str = fileread('textfile.txt');
str(ismember(str, sprintf('.,\n\r'))) = ' ';
words = unique(strsplit(str, ' '));
fid = fopen('wordslist', 'w');
if fid == -1
error('Cannot open file for writing');
fprintf(fid, '%s\n', words{:});


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