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How to run Arduino in Simulink under normal mode with Simulink IO enabled?

1 view (last 30 days)
Hi, I am using Arduino support package for Simulink with Arduino Mega board and a I2C sensor. I have successfully made connection and read data from the sensor using the external mode.
But when I switch to Normal mode (so that the simulation can run faster) with the Simulink IO enabled, the file was compiled and running, but all the data coming out of the I2C read block is zero. Can someone help me with it?
Trevor Rappold
Trevor Rappold on 8 Jun 2018
Hello Chengshi, I am having the very same problem with the Mega2560 board and would like to know if you ever found a solution?
Chengshi  Wang
Chengshi Wang on 8 Jun 2018
Hi Trevor,
I ended up using another I2C sensor and it worked under normal mode. Seems like some sensors are not compatible with Simulink under normal mode.

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