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Extracting every n number of column from matrix matlab

18 views (last 30 days)
0 down vote favorite I need to extract every n number of column from my matrix. Please note that not every nth column. For example I have a matrix:
A =
1 23 34 53 67 45 67 45
12 34 45 56 67 87 98 12
1 2 3 45 56 76 87 56
And I want to extract each 3 column, so my data should be like:
X =
1 23 34 67 45 67
12 34 45 67 87 98
1 2 3 56 76 87
So I would skip 4th column then 8th column and so on. I know how to extract every nth column and row but I couldn't figure it out what I need. Appreciated for your help

Accepted Answer

Ameer Hamza
Ameer Hamza on 3 May 2018
Edited: Ameer Hamza on 3 May 2018
Here is a general solution to your problem in which you can specify how many columns to keep and how many to delete
colToKeep = 2;
colToDelete = 3;
ColIndex = mod( 0:size(A,2)-1, colToKeep+colToDelete ) < colToKeep;
A(:, ~ColIndex) = [];
Use colToKeep and colToDelete to specify the values.
Ameer Hamza
Ameer Hamza on 16 Aug 2018
Just take the transpose of the matrix and apply the same method. At the end take the transpose again to get the correct matrix.

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More Answers (2)

Yuvaraj Venkataswamy
Yuvaraj Venkataswamy on 3 May 2018
Edited: Yuvaraj Venkataswamy on 3 May 2018
Answer is below where A is a your matrix.
if true
A =[1 23 34 53 67 45 67 45
12 34 45 56 67 87 98 12
1 2 3 45 56 76 87 56]
A(:,n:n:end) =[]
  1 Comment
Aybars on 3 May 2018
Hi, Thank you very much for your answer. It is correct. But in that case, how can I adjust the number of column that I want to skip ? For example I would like to take first 2 columns, then skip 3 columns then take 2 columns again.

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Guillaume on 3 May 2018
X = A;
X(:, 4:4:end) = [];
  1 Comment
Aybars on 3 May 2018
Hi, Thank you very much for your answer. It is correct. But in that case, how can I adjust the number of column that I want to skip ? For example I would like to take first 2 columns, then skip 3 columns then take 2 columns again.

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