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comparing datetime from two different files

1 view (last 30 days)
Tiago Dias
Tiago Dias on 14 Feb 2018
Commented: Peter Perkins on 20 Feb 2018


I have 1 mat file called tempo_u1300processo that has times, from with 1 minute of frequency like 01/01/2016 00:00:00, 01/01/2016 00:01:00, etc. In u1200lab(:,1) I got also times, but in the frequency of days: 01/01/2016 04:30:00, 03/01/2016 4:30:00, etc.

The goal of my for loops is to check the times from the 2, in order to create a u1200lab table with a frequency of minutes and to place the value of the variables in front.

This works "fine", but it takes me for my calculation 7 hours to do for 1 variable because the month of January takes 2min, February 4 min (Jan + 2 min), mars 6 min (Jan + Feb + 2), April 8 minutes (Jan Feb Mars + 2min). So i think when starting May, it will do again January February mars April and just may after.

So my question is how to make him not do the months that are already done.

Thanks for your time.

close all;
%% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Data Loading - Lab1200 + Lab1300 + Processo1300
variavel_u1300processo = u1300processo{:,2:end};
%% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Laboratório 1200
[n1200,m1200] = size(u1200lab);
ind_aux1200 = [];
nvar1200 = m1200/2;
for j = 1:nvar1200 % Para os dados de Lab da 1200
  for i = 1:length(tempo_u1300processo)
      ind_aux1200 = find(u1200lab{:,2*j-1}==tempo_u1300processo(i,1));
      if  ~isempty(ind_aux1200)
          tempo_u1200lab(i,j) = tempo_u1300processo(i,1)
          variavel_u1200lab(i,j) = u1200lab(ind_aux1200,2*j); 
      else % Não existe registo para o tempo_processo(i)
          tempo_u1200lab(i,j) = tempo_u1300processo(i,1);
          variavel_u1200lab{i,j} = NaN;
  num_pontos1200(:,j) = sum(~isnan(variavel_u1200lab{:,j}));
  Pergunta1(1,j) = isequal(tempo_u1200lab(:,j),tempo_u1300processo)
KSSV on 15 Feb 2018
Convert dates to datenumbers using datenum and use ismemebr
Tiago Dias
Tiago Dias on 15 Feb 2018
Edited: Tiago Dias on 15 Feb 2018
So i give you an example of what are my inputs.
My goal is to have a matrix like in 3.xls
I understand what the function ismember does. The next step is to replace 0 for NaN's, and 1 for the value of variable in Excel 2.xls
but in the way i do, for i=3 variavel_lab(i,1) = lab(i,1); lab(3,1) does not exist because lab has only 2 rows.
close all;
processo = readtable('1.xlsx','Range','A1:B11');
tempo_processo = datetime(processo{:,1},'InputFormat','dd-MM-uuuu hh:mm:ss');
lab = readtable('2.xlsx','Range','A1:B3');
tempo_lab = datetime(lab{:,1},'InputFormat','dd-MM-uuuu hh:mm:ss');
[nlab,mlab] = size(lab);
nvarlab = mlab/2;
Pergunta = ismember(tempo_processo,tempo_lab)
npergunta = length(Pergunta)
for i = 1:npergunta
if Pergunta(i,1)==0
variavel_lab(i,1) = NaN;
variavel_lab(i,1) = lab(i,2);

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Answers (1)

Peter Perkins
Peter Perkins on 15 Feb 2018
It's very likely that what you describe can be done in one line of code, using timetables and the synchronize function. For example
>> X = (0:4*1440)';
>> tt1 = timetable(X,'RowTimes',datetime(2018,2,15,0,0:4*1440,0));
>> Y = (100:100:400)';
>> tt2 = timetable(Y,'RowTimes',datetime(2018,2,15:18,4,30,0));
>> tt = synchronize(tt1,tt2,'minutely','spline')
tt =
8×2 timetable
Time X Y
____________________ _ ______
15-Feb-2018 00:00:00 0 81.25
15-Feb-2018 00:01:00 1 81.319
15-Feb-2018 00:02:00 2 81.389
15-Feb-2018 00:03:00 3 81.458
15-Feb-2018 00:04:00 4 81.528
15-Feb-2018 00:05:00 5 81.597
15-Feb-2018 00:06:00 6 81.667
15-Feb-2018 00:07:00 7 81.736
That requires R2016b or later.Not sure what release you have.
But your sample files don't match your description, and in fact they don't even match their own file extensions (as was also true in a previous post). You have not even explained how you want to transform your daily data to a 1-minute frequency.
Post a short, simple example that does not involve files, showing what you want to start with and what you want to end up with.
Tiago Dias
Tiago Dias on 16 Feb 2018
Edited: Tiago Dias on 16 Feb 2018
The problem is with a small table like this it works super fast, the problem is that my u1300processo goes from 01/01/2016 to 01/01/2017 (~2 years), and i run my FOR loops, i think its not efficient, it does January in 2 min, february in 4 min, mars 6 min, april 6 min, etc. So i guess that for the next step ot i he does the old ones and the new. thats why each month i get the 2 min + the time of the previous rows.
Peter Perkins
Peter Perkins on 20 Feb 2018
This is exactly what retime and synchronize are for. Use timetables, and use datetimes for timestamps, not text.
>> fmt = 'dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss';
>> Time = datetime({'01-01-2018 01:01:00';'01-01-2018 01:02:00';'01-01-2018 01:03:00';'01-01-2018 01:04:00';'01-01-2018 01:05:00';'01-01-2018 01:06:00';'01-01-2018 01:07:00';'01-01-2018 01:08:00';'01-01-2018 01:09:00';'01-01-2018 01:10:00'}, ...
>> X1 = (2:11)';
>> tt1 = timetable(Time,X1)
tt1 =
10×1 timetable
Time X1
____________________ __
01-Jan-2018 01:01:00 2
01-Jan-2018 01:02:00 3
01-Jan-2018 01:03:00 4
01-Jan-2018 01:04:00 5
01-Jan-2018 01:05:00 6
01-Jan-2018 01:06:00 7
01-Jan-2018 01:07:00 8
01-Jan-2018 01:08:00 9
01-Jan-2018 01:09:00 10
01-Jan-2018 01:10:00 11
>> Time = datetime({'01-01-2018 01:05:00';'01-01-2018 01:08:00'},'InputFormat',fmt);
>> X2 = [10;14];
>> tt2 = timetable(Time,X2)
tt2 =
2×1 timetable
Time X2
____________________ __
01-Jan-2018 01:05:00 10
01-Jan-2018 01:08:00 14
>> synchronize(tt1,tt2,'first')
ans =
10×2 timetable
Time X1 X2
____________________ __ ___
01-Jan-2018 01:01:00 2 NaN
01-Jan-2018 01:02:00 3 NaN
01-Jan-2018 01:03:00 4 NaN
01-Jan-2018 01:04:00 5 NaN
01-Jan-2018 01:05:00 6 10
01-Jan-2018 01:06:00 7 NaN
01-Jan-2018 01:07:00 8 NaN
01-Jan-2018 01:08:00 9 14
01-Jan-2018 01:09:00 10 NaN
01-Jan-2018 01:10:00 11 NaN
>> retime(tt2,tt1.Time)
ans =
10×1 timetable
Time X2
____________________ ___
01-Jan-2018 01:01:00 NaN
01-Jan-2018 01:02:00 NaN
01-Jan-2018 01:03:00 NaN
01-Jan-2018 01:04:00 NaN
01-Jan-2018 01:05:00 10
01-Jan-2018 01:06:00 NaN
01-Jan-2018 01:07:00 NaN
01-Jan-2018 01:08:00 14
01-Jan-2018 01:09:00 NaN
01-Jan-2018 01:10:00 NaN
And as for speed ...
>> Time = (datetime(2016,1,1,0,0,0):minutes(1):datetime(2017,1,1,0,0,0))';
>> X1 = randn(size(Time));
>> tt1 = timetable(Time,X1);
>> Time = datetime(2016,1,1,0,0,0) + minutes(sort(randperm(length(Time),10000)))';
>> X2 = randn(size(Time));
>> tt2 = timetable(Time,X2);
>> tic, synchronize(tt1,tt2,'first'); toc
Elapsed time is 0.086065 seconds.

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