Gaussian Quadrature ( Legendre Polynomials )

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I have tried to create a function that will find the coefficients of the nth order Legendre polynomial without using syms x, but I have got stuck on how to actually get the coefficients with 2 unknowns in my equation... Can anyone help a bit??
Here's my code :
function [y] = LegendrePoly(n)
if n == 0
y = 1;
elseif n == 1
y = x;
x = zeros(n+1,1);
x(n+1) = 1;
x_1 = zeros(n+1,1);
x_1(n) = 1;
for i=2:n;

Accepted Answer

John D'Errico
John D'Errico on 13 Nov 2017
Edited: John D'Errico on 13 Nov 2017
NO NO NO. You say that you don't want to use syms here. So why in the name of god and little green apples are you doing things like this?
y = x;
All you need to store are the COEFFICIENTS!!!!!!! It is a polynomial. You have not passed x into the function to evaluate. That you can do trivially with polyval anyway.
Set up LegendrePoly to return a vector of length n+1. The coefficients of that polynomial.
I'm feeling too lazy to crack open Abramowitz & Stegun, so this page gives the recurrence relation and the first two polynomials.
Thus, P_0 = 1. P_1 = x, and:
(n+1)*P_(n+1) = (2*n+1)*P_n*x - n*P_(n-1)
Next, DON'T EVER write recurrence relations like this recursively, unless you use a memoized form. The problem is that the number of recursive calls grows exponentially. It is far simpler to just use a loop anyway.
function coefs = LegendrePoly(n)
if n == 0
coefs = 1;
elseif n == 1
coefs = [1 0];
P_nm1 = 1;
P_n = [1 0];
for i=1:(n-1);
P_np1 = ((2*i+1)*[P_n,0] - i*[0,0,P_nm1])/(i+1); % recurrence
[P_nm1,P_n] = deal(P_n,P_np1); % shift
coefs = P_np1;
Think about what [P_n,0] does, in terms of polynomial coefficients.
Thus we know that P_2=(3*x^2-1)/2. For n==2, we get
coefs =
1.5 0 -0.5
Likewise, for n==5, we get
coefs =
7.875 0 -8.75 0 1.875 0
From the table of polynomials, I got what I expected.
[63/8 0 -70/8 0 15/8 0]
ans =
7.875 0 -8.75 0 1.875 0
You can evaluate that 5th degree polynomial simply as:
ans =
Finally, in order to use them as polynomials for Gaussian quadrature, you will need the derivative polynomials too.
ans =
39.375 0 -26.25 0 1.875
Its been a while since I had to derive the Gaussian quadrature but you need some roots too. Again, trivial.
ans =

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